\'Leviathan\' sovereign authority/government shld b favorite

\'Leviathan\' sovereign authority/government shld b favorite


 "Leviathan" sovereign authority/government shld b favorite

"Leviathan" sovereign authority/government should be a favorite, as Thomas Hobbes' book "Leviathan" symbolizes a powerful, all-encompassing sovereign authority or government, which should be on their top list. 

"Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes remains highly relevant in modern political discourse due to its exploration of fundamental concepts regarding society and government.

Firstly, Hobbes' concept of the social contract continues to be a central theme in political theory. The idea that individuals willingly relinquish certain freedoms to a governing authority in exchange for security and order resonates in contemporary discussions about the role of government and individual rights.

Moreover, Hobbes' examination of human nature and the need for a strong central authority to prevent chaos and conflict remain pertinent today. Hobbes' observations about the necessity of a Leviathan-like figure are still relevant in an era characterized by globalization, technological advancements, and various societal challenges.

Additionally, "Leviathan" has influenced various political ideologies and systems. Concepts such as sovereignty, the rule of law, and the legitimacy of government derive from Hobbes' work and continue to shape political thought and policy-making around the world.

Furthermore, Hobbes' emphasis on the importance of social order and stability has implications for contemporary debates on issues such as national security, law enforcement, and the protection of civil liberties.

Overall, "Leviathan" remains a foundational text in modern political philosophy, providing valuable insights into the nature of power, authority, and governance that continue to inform and shape political discourse and practice.


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• "Leviathan" sovereign authoritt/government shld b favorite TJKCB -  给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (11173 bytes) (0 reads) 03/05/2024  15:53:11


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While Thomas Hobbes' book "Leviathan" was indeed written during a period of political turmoil in England, its inspiration was not directly tied to the establishment of the Commonwealth and the rule of Oliver Cromwell. Hobbes completed "Leviathan" in 1651, several years before Cromwell's rise to power and the official establishment of the Commonwealth in 1653.

However, the broader context of political instability and civil conflict in England during Hobbes' lifetime undoubtedly influenced his ideas and arguments presented in "Leviathan." Hobbes' central thesis in "Leviathan" revolves around the necessity of a strong central authority to prevent chaos and maintain social order. This argument can be seen as a response to the tumultuous events of the English Civil War and the breakdown of traditional sources of political authority.

Additionally, Hobbes' views on the nature of government, sovereignty, and the social contract were shaped by the political debates and philosophical discussions of his time. The English Civil War and its aftermath provided a backdrop against which Hobbes articulated his theories about the need for absolute sovereignty and the voluntary surrender of individual rights to a sovereign ruler in exchange for security and order.

In summary, while the historical context of the English Civil War may have influenced some aspects of Hobbes' thinking, it would be an oversimplification to attribute the entirety of "Leviathan" to the events of that period. Hobbes' work draws upon a wide range of philosophical, political, and historical influences, and "Leviathan" remains a complex and multifaceted exploration of human nature and political authority.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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