【EducationUSA在线讲座】探索STEAM领域的多元专业设置,2月1日(星期四), 晚 上18:30-20:00

【EducationUSA在线讲座】探索STEAM领域的多元专业设置,2月1日(星期四), 晚 上18:30-20:00


EducationUSA Virtual Session: STEAM, Beyond Engineering 

Feb. 1, 2024 (Thursday), 18:30-20:00 (Beijing Time)   
2024年2月1日(星期四), 晚 上 18:30-20:00(北京时间) 


线上参加Zoom Link:  

线上参加Zoom Webinar ID: 882 9678 9669 



大家想更详细的了解STEAM领域的专业设置,特别是大家熟知的传统工程类之外的专业吗?大家想和嘉宾一同探索科学(Science),技术(Technology),工程(Engineering),艺术 (Art) 和数学 (Math)类在美国大学的本科专业设置吗?包括但不限于从生物科学到心理学的尖端研究;从计算机科学,商学,数学,到艺术设计的创新。对STEAM领域专业的深入了解,会帮助大家更好的把握未来的择校,择业。嘉宾也会介绍STEAM专业申请的相关要求,在校实习和未来的工作机会等。欢迎大家参加! 

Event Details: 

The program will be conducted in English. 

Do you want to explore diverse opportunities within the broad spectrum of undergraduate STEAM fields, extending beyond traditional engineering disciplines? Do you want to delve into the rich landscape of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM), with presenters sharing many opportunities available for undergraduate study in the United States - from cutting-edge research in biological sciences and psychology to innovations in computer science, business, mathematics and even design! You will gain insights into the expansive world of STEAM education to equip you to make informed decisions about your academic and professional future. Presenters will discuss programs, things to consider during the application process, related internships, and post-graduate work opportunities. We welcome your participation! 


David Wivell serves as the Associate Director in the International Enrollment Office of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), focusing on students and families from East and Southeast Asia. With a decade of experience at RIT, David brings valuable insights to the table. 

Alfredo Varela, Ph.D., holds the position of Associate Director for International Recruitment at the University of Oregon, boasting an impressive 30-year tenure in international higher education. Having lived abroad for 11 years in Japan and Ghana, Alfredo is well-versed in diverse cultural contexts. His extensive travels include visits to over 10 cities in China, and he is a fan of Lanzhou noodles! 

Rachel Gallo serves as the Assistant Director of International Admissions at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Rachel and her team assist international students from all over the world to help them from the moment they apply until they step foot on campus.  Rachel loves having the opportunity to work with and meet new students every year! 


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