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其次,我们将改进健康计划。目前,注册医生将共同制定健康计划,作为预防保健咨询的一部分。它涵盖了一些必要的行动项目,如定期健康筛查和疫苗接种。但在生活方式方面,建议通常相当笼统,例如“多锻炼”,“健康饮食”。在2024年,我们将开始更加具体建议。例如,它可能建议你每周进行有氧运动三次。然后,可以使用Healthy 365应用程序找到住家附近合适的运动活动。Healthy 365也将提供多语言支持。










Mr Chair, while we address these immediate concerns, we should not lose sight of the longer-term, strategic direction of healthcare. That is, continue to build health, and not just treat illnesses.

We have crystalised this strategy around Healthier SG. Ms Ng Ling Ling, Mr Yip Hon Weng and Dr Syed Harun asked for an update on Healthier SG. I am very glad to say that it has been progressing encouragingly.

Let me report some data. Since the programme was launched in July last year, we have invited 2.4 million Singapore residents, aged 40 and above, to participate. As of last month, 765,000 have enrolled with a family doctor of their choice. Sir, 60% are enrolled with General Practitioners (GPs) and the remaining with polyclinics. This is a good split, because a key thrust of Healthier SG is to empower our GPs to play a greater role in population health. 

Over half of the enrollees have started consulting their chosen doctors to develop a personal Health Plan and they have been rewarded S$20 worth of Healthpoints. More than 124,000 enrollees have received their free vaccinations and health screenings. 

Over the past year, the number of participants in exercise sessions organised by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has increased by 16%, from 133,000 to 154,000. For sessions organised by PA, participation has gone up 12%, from about 400,000 to 450,000. For SportSG's sessions, it has increased by 20%, from 117,000 to 140,000. 

So, we see a discernible increase in people becoming active and individuals are also up and about on their own. The change, I think, is somewhat palpable. This is the new Active Singapore.

Ms Ng Ling Ling asked if we expect prevalence rate of chronic illnesses to come down due to Healthier SG. That is certainly our aim. With a strong start to Healthier SG, we certainly hope this will happen. But it will take time. 

We have recently raised chronic drug subsidies for Healthier SG enrollees seeking care at their Healthier SG GP clinics. In the coming year, we plan to implement further improvements to the scheme. 

First, expand the range of health protocols. GPs are guided by Healthier SG Protocols, to ensure that residents enjoy consistent and quality care. There are 12 protocols so far, which include screening, vaccination and management of common chronic diseases. 

MOH will expand the range of protocols to cover more conditions, such as stable ischemic heart diseases and stable stroke. We will start to roll them out in early 2025. As announced earlier, we are also starting to work on including aspects of mental health into the protocols.

Second, we will improve the health plans. Currently, your enrolled doctor will co-develop a health plan with you as part of the preventive care consultation. It covers essential action items, such as regular health screening and vaccinations. But on the lifestyle, the advice is always quite generic, such as "exercise more", "eat better". In 2024, we will start to make the advice more specific. For example, it may recommend you do aerobic exercise three times a week. You can then use the Healthy 365 app to identify suitable exercise activities near your home. Key features in Healthy 365 will be made multilingual. 

Third, we will continue to roll out interventions for our seniors through the Age Well SG programme, which Second Minister Masagos has elaborated.

Fourth, we will continue to fight against overconsumption of sugar and sodium. Our Nutri-Grade labelling of pre-packaged drinks have been useful in changing consumer behaviour. I will regularly and personally inspect the drinks in the Members' Room. Some of you saw me do it. [Laughter.] I am glad to report they are all graded "A" and "B", and passed the MOH Ministerial inspection.

There is one drink, however, "zero sugar salty lychee". So, I texted my staff to say what do we label this for? For sugar or for sodium? They told me to just drink it. 

I also encountered students who are asking for less sugar in their bubble tea, so that it qualifies for Nutri-Grade "B". As the Minister for Education, I always tell students, do not be so grade conscious. But in this case, it is good to be grade conscious and go for "A" and "B".

We have recently extended Nutri-Grade to freshly made beverages. I met the two key coffee shop associations recently and sought their support. The association leaders are fully on board. Together they represent over half of the coffee shops in Singapore, and they intend to start serving "siu dai" or less sugar beverages by default. This means when you order a kopi in future, they give you "siu dai", even though you do not say it. If you want even less sugar, I recommend just drink "kosong".

Sodium is the other culprit that can lead to heart diseases and strokes, if over-consumed. It is found in salt, soya sauce, belachan and other sauces. With much effort from the HPB, over 60% of wholesalers of salt are now supplying lower-sodium salt. About 30% of the catering industry are supporting our "Less Salt, More Taste" movement since it was launched late last year. 20% of the food and beverage industry are also doing so.  

I recently saw an encouraging programme on Channel 8. There were two lady hosts, they went on a 21-day challenge to take less salt and less soya sauce. At the end of the 21 days, their blood pressure measurements had moderated somewhat, but more importantly, their taste buds had become much more sensitive to salt. They could now taste the ingredients better, they never knew when they taste something, there are undertones of garlic, ginger, spices. They used to just taste soya sauce and belachan, and they prefer to eat less salt now. It took 21 days to change a lifelong habit. 

Remember, because we eat every day, the effect of food accumulates through our lifetimes. Over our lifetimes, food can be medicine, food can also be poison. As a wise Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician once told me, if you eat well, there is no need for medicine; if you do not eat well, medicine is of little use.  














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