Free Solo观感

Free Solo观感




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荷马史诗Illiad《伊力特》的主人公Achilles是半人半神的英雄。在古希腊神话里(不是《伊力特》史诗,荷马史诗没提及脚后跟一事)他的母亲女神Thetis提起他的脚跟把他浸入Styx河,从此他就immortal(不朽永生)了;但他有个致命弱点--“Achilles的脚跟”:因为他的母亲提着他浸入Styx河时并没有把这部分也考虑进去,后来Trojan War结束时,Paris一剑射进他的脚跟,结束了他的短暂且光辉一生。

2004年Brad Pitt主演的Troy,也不知为什么,导演把Achilles的死亡演化成剑射到身上,引发一片骂声,电影在imdb上的评价也不高。


在他出征Troy前,他已知道他的命运:死于Trojan War,再也回不到他的city states了。




Alex Honnold的命运】

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Alex Honnold是Free Solo的主人公,第一个且是唯一一个徒手爬上EI Capitan的人。在登山界,他应该是“前无古人,后无来者”的英雄了。


Free Solo拍摄组最担心的就是Alex Honnold摔死的命运,导演Jimmy夫妇和整个摄制组绝对没有让Alex Honnold继续的想法,如果他提出一句不爬了。但Alex 选择继续。

我并不认为他的女朋友懂得他的选择,因为她需要解释,需要世俗的责任与业务;但他的母亲已接受了他的命运抉择:从她前夫及儿子身上,她已学会接受,不与命争。Wolownick是这样说的:“Every time he left the house it might be the last time I'd ever see him. And if someday, next year, this year, he does come home in a box, he will have lived 50 lifetimes compared to lots of us."

Alex Honnold深知他的命运与选择,下面是他说过的话:

My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I’ve pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these objectives that seemed totally crazy eventually fall within the realm of the possible.

You might get run over; ou might get hit by lightning. I mean, who knows? Each day, there is a chance you might die. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Every living being on Earth is facing that same existential rift.

I’ve done a lot of thinking about fear. For me the crucial question is not how to climb without fear—that’s impossible—but how to deal with it when it creeps into your nerve endings.

On the summit, part of me wished that someone, anyone, had noticed that I’d just done something noteworthy—though maybe it was better that I didn’t have to talk to anybody. How could I have expressed what my last few hours had been like? It was enough that I knew.

I'm not thinking about anything when i'm climbing, which is part of the appeal. I'm focused on executing what's in front of me.

I like the simplicity of soloing. You've got no gear, no partner. You never climb better than when you free-solo.

I've walked away from more climbs than i can count, just because i sensed that things were not quite right.

There are certainly better technical climbers than me. But if i have a particular gift, it's a mental one - the ability to keep it together where others might freak out.

Nobody achieves anything great by being happy and cozy.

There's a constant tension in climbing, and really all exploration, between pushing yourself into the unknown but tring not to push too far. The best any of us can do is to tread that line carefully.

I only make calculated decisions.

Alex Honnold的登山是精心准备仔细算计但不是万无一失的行动,他英雄思维跟Achillies命运选择是一致的:选择命运,拥抱命运;完全有背于“好死不如赖活着”的生存哲学以及“适可而止”和“知足常乐”的中庸思想。

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我可以手心发汗,心虚气短地看Alex Honnold free solo;但看着登顶的他,他平实谦顺的笑容,深邃的眼光,并不觉得自己紧张得窒息的观感得到完全释放,反而是陷入到深深的悲哀中:因为他的命运是写着的,就象我们所有人的命运一样。

象Alex Honnold致敬!在他面前,任何语言都是多余的。

“Free Solo对我来说,




——Alex Honnold

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来源: 文学城-中年呓语