【一朵梵高的向日葵】 【A Van Gogh's Sunflower】

【一朵梵高的向日葵】 【A Van Gogh's Sunflower】


    【A Van Gogh's Sunflower】


             By Tian Yu Zhi



In Van Gogh’s vase of sunflowers,

Some are withering in hearts,

Some are dying in their souls ——

What color is your sunflower?


Is it yellow enough? Van Gogh like yellow,

As if the sun blazes through the back of the paper,

Shines on the petals, on the tiny seeds,

Radiates those around you?



Oh, be a Van Gogh’s flaming sunflower,

Bloom bright yellow,

With your wide open eyes, a fiery soul,

Even in thunders and rain, until



One day, you are too old to utter a word, 

Or make a difference, a sudden, painless death, 

As falling sun-kissed seeds scream to spread 

In the spring soil,



 Like what you did, a hundred years ago 






I have read the biography of Van Gogh when I was in my 20s. It was a very thick book but I finished it. It had a lasting effect on me. I went to “Beyond Van Gogh” last summer with my girlfriend and we had a great time there. Here is a video of that visit. Let's see how many paintings you can recognize from it. It was very interesting for me to read about each of the painting's creative background, some were directly from Vincent's own words. I hope you too enjoy the art and the video! ~~




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来源: 文学城-天玉之
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