游山记:我说,他说,她说(8)― 翻山越岭去彩虹池

游山记:我说,他说,她说(8)― 翻山越岭去彩虹池



下午小孩子们又去了小河玩,然后让女儿补写了前一天的日记。晚饭之前还有一小会儿,女儿说想玩手机上的Angry Birds,我摇了摇头,难得周围有这么多的孩子,还不抓住机会一起玩玩?女儿一溜烟地跑了,过了一阵子我叫她吃晚饭去,她跟一群小朋友在一起,知道他们在玩什么吗?人手一机在玩电子游戏。唉,现在的小孩子啊,怎么也逃不出电子游戏的魔掌!

Today is Sunday, the 8th day of our vacation, the second day of our San Jose Family Camp trip. We started the day with our annual hike the Rainbow Pools. However, our visit this year was quite different from the normal. Rainbow Pools is usually a nice small lake fit for swimming, with a rock hanging overhead to allow for jumping if one is brave enough. However, this year the faster stream impacted Rainbow Pools as well; now there was a rapid flowing out of Rainbow Pools, making it dangerous to swim in. The swimmers were replaced with fishermen, as throwing lines into the water was no longer a safety hazard.

The rest of the day was mostly spent in the river. We found a side stream that was similar to the original river pre-flooded. We skipped rocks, shot water guns, and floated down the river.

At night, we had a camp fire. The campfire had all the typical campfire activities, such as singing camp songs that reminded me of my YMCA days, and roasting marshmallows. My sister enjoyed the opportunity to eat marshmallows. We ended our day doing Mission Impossible. Mission Impossible was a game where the campers (us) had to find coins hidden in the meadow. We were split into two teams, and whichever team found more coins in the allotted time won the game. Since it was very dark, we only had our flash lights to look for coins, and there were also people called “wolves”, who would tag you and force you to drop all the coins you had in your hands and go to a timeout area for a few seconds. My team won both times, though I only found a minimal amount of coins, 3 total. After that was time for bed. There is one more full day at San Jose Family Camp.

Today I went to Rainbow pools. I’m never going into there again (if the river’s swollen).

The water was so cold that I almost froze my toes off! And I’m not kidding. I really think that I saw some frost around my feet. Somehow, though, my feet warmed up way too quickly. Soon, I was overheated and was wishing for a bit of coldness. My wish was granted when I was allowed to play in the river at San Jose Family Camp. I found a (not so) secret area that was calm enough to raft in. I helped push some of my friends to the mouth of the rafting area, then went rafting myself. I got sprayed by water guns about a million times. Also, my slippers came off my foot FIVE times. My brother also discovered that buckets make very good water guns.

I also went to a campfire. It took FOREVER for my age group (9-10) to be called. I cooked myself a sticky marshmallow. Then, my brother’s age group got called (11+). I switched off cooking marshmallows with him so that he cooked while I lounged around. I got my second marshmallow.

We also played mission impossible. Mission impossible is exactly what it sounds like. We were supposed to look for coins on the ground with only our flashlights, which is an IMPOSSIBLE task. To ADD to the IMPOSSIBLITY, there were “wolves,” (people marked with yellow headbands who could tag you out, force you to drop your coins, and make you go to “jail”). Also, we were split into teams. My brother and I were on opposite teams.

In short, mission impossible was an impossible task. It was fun, though. I didn’t find any coins. That was my day at San Jose Family Camp. I’m looking forward to the next 24 hours of fun.

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