又到周六,一早起来照例早餐、咖啡、打扫。 LD 新闻学习时在 Global and mail 发现了世界上最好吃的三明治, 原来就在我们这儿: wilensky's 。女儿说知道, 小有名气, 历史上有名,有本小说里提到过她。我立马神清气爽,中午饭就是她了。
地址就在 Fairmont Bagel (另一家号称最好吃的 Bagel !这家店 24 小时不熄火,我们经常来买刚出炉的 Bagel 。以后介绍。)店旁边,我们兵分两路,LD 进 Bagel 店我进 wilensky's 去买她的 Wilensky's Special: a double grilled salami and bologna sandwich with a splash of mustard on a Kaiser roll , pressed flat from the grill — mustard is compulsory.
买了 5 个(每个小小的,4.99 ),兴冲冲地回来了(我家 LD 从来不饭三明治,无论如何。。。 但为了我们不辞辛苦地驾车捧场,表扬! )。我家小姐咬了一口,杯具了! 我就知道。。。完全不是那么回事。女儿总结:忆苦思甜餐! 还不如 Schwartz's 的 smoke meat 。 我边吃边细细回味,让我想起老祖母的经典泡菜坛子,有的时候不稀罕,没有的时候想着它。我家儿子很给力, 一边看她家的 wikipedia 介绍,不知不觉下去两个半。 He likes it!! 儿子的口味怎么这样的??
这里好吃的三明治真是太多了,以后会陆续介绍几家,到底世界上最好吃的三明治在哪儿呢? 这就天知道了。
于是, 省下的做中饭的时间送给了码字。
附上 The Global and Mail 的原文(原来是从别处转来的):
Montreal sandwich named one of the world’s best
Grill some salami and baloney. Add Swiss or cheddar cheese. Slather on mustard. Put between yellow bread.
What do you get? According to Travel and Leisure magazine, one of the world's best sandwiches.
It's the Wilensky's Special, served at Wilensky's Light Lunch at the corner of Fairmont and Clark streets in Montreal's Mile End area. The diner was made famous by Mordecai Richler in his novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz and has an ambience that, according to Frommer's, “can best be described as Early Jewish Immigrant.”
“Served on wax paper, the sandwich comes with rules: It always has mustard and is never halved,” says Travel and Leisure. The price: $4.99 (50 cents less without the cheese).
Just because sandwiches are convenience foods doesn't mean they can't be great. A croque-monsieur in Paris, with mozzarella and black truffles, is a tasty treat, as is a lobster roll with melted butter in Essex, Mass.
Here are some of the other “best sandwiches from around the world” on T&L's list: chicken Philly cheesesteak (Philadelphia); ham and cheese baguette (New York); squid in its own ink with aioli (Madrid); roast pork in a bridge roll (London); hand-massaged wagyu beef on white bread (Tokyo).
The Canadian Press