Trump背后的Bannon认为合法移民才是真正的问题# EB23 - 劳工卡
President Donald Trump’s sweeping visa and refugee ban is likely only the
Already he has signed a variation of a “Muslim ban” — and has suggested
expanding it. He has pushed forward on the southern border wall, regardless
of Mexico’s refusal to pay for it. And he is reportedly considering moves
to overhaul the United States’ legal work visa program (H-1B visas) that
many technology companies rely on. To many, it would appear that Trump is
doing what he said he would do.
But behind these policy reforms, two longtime immigration skeptics are
making a name for themselves: Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon and
White House policy adviser Stephen Miller, who is a former staffer for Sen.
Jeff Sessions and yet another hard-line immigration restrictionist. (
Sessions is waiting for his confirmation vote for attorney general).
Before Bannon and Miller became White House colleagues and began drafting
executive orders, however, Bannon was a Breitbart News executive asking
Miller, a policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, for Trump’s positions on
legal and illegal immigration.
Trump’s public stance has seemingly always been to keep the “bad people”
out and let the smart people in. But a conversation between Bannon and
Miller from March 2016, on a Breitbart News podcast first resurfaced by the
Washington Post, shows Bannon and Miller may both hold a more conservative
view on immigration.
“Isn’t the beating heart of this problem, the real beating heart of it, of
what we gotta get sorted here, not illegal immigration?” Bannon asked
Miller. “As horrific as that is, and it’s horrific, don’t we have a
problem? We’ve looked the other way on this legal immigration that’s kinda
overwhelmed the country?”
Bannon goes on to decry the “oligarchs” of Silicon Valley and Washington
and call the number of immigrants in the United States “scary.”
Miller’s response is affirmation: “The history of America is that an
immigration-on period is followed by an immigration-off period,” he said.
As the power and sway of these two men becomes increasingly apparent, their
conversation is worth revisiting. Here is the exchange:
BANNON: Where are we in the Trump campaign with the H-1B visas? Because we
got the oligarchs down there, man, and they have got Karl Rove and literally
hundreds of millions of dollars, and they are coming with one reason. And
they are coming for unlimited ability to go throughout the world and have
people come here and compete with kids coming out of engineering schools and
IT jobs. If you are in your 40s and 50s right now, people will tell you,
they haven’t had a raise in decades in IT. What was supposed to be a great
career turned out not to be a great career. It’s because of these visas.
And now you got all the engineering schools full of people from South Asia
and East Asia. And it’s not that I have any problem with those folks
learning, but they are coming here to take these jobs. You have turned over
the entire American education system — we have cut out art, we have cut out
history, we have cut out music. Why have we done it? STEM, science,
technology, engineering, and math. We have told every minority kid in this
country, you got to excel at that. What happens? They get into graduate
schools, they can’t get engineering degrees, they can’t get into graduate
schools because there are all these foreign students, when they come out,
they can’t get a job. And they are looking for these people like Ted Cruz
and Donald Trump who talk about immigration and talk about H-1B visas to
stand up for them against these oligarchs. So where are we on this?
MILLER: Well, that was brilliantly stated.
High-skilled immigration and the H-1B visa are just not the same thing. And
you’ll notice when you pick up a copy of the newspaper, you will often see
the phrase high-skilled immigration — and sometimes it is used by people on
our own side, and I just don’t ever use that phrase, because the reality
is we are talking about less skilled foreign guest workers that are less
educated than Americans, who are paid less than Americans, who know less
about the computing industry and about the technology industry than
Americans — so I just don’t use that phrase.
BANNON: Is Donald Trump going to stand up to these oligarchs? That are down
on this island with Arthur Brooks and all the swells of guys at AEI ... down
there with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, who wants unlimited immigration.
... Is Donald Trump going to stand up to those guys, or is he going to kiss
their ring?
MILLER: There is zero doubt what Mr. Trump’s position is on H-1Bs. And the
statement that went out that evening from Mr. Trump, that he felt very
strongly about, made clear that the H-1B program is going to be reformed
dramatically to protect American workers. If you go back and look at Mr.
Trump’s policy papers —
The word high-skilled doesn’t even appear in that paper — because again,
we don’t use the term to describe high-skilled workers — other people can,
that’s their choice, but the system that he wants is that on the permanent
immigration that we would switch from a low-skilled to a high-skilled
system, on the permanent immigration side. Not talking these guest workers.
BANNON: You saw these guest workers. You saw the CIS report yesterday. You
saw that, what is it, 61 million? Isn’t the beating heart of this problem,
the real beating heart of it, of what we gotta get sorted here, is not
illegal immigration? As horrific as that is, and it’s horrific, don’t we
have a problem, we’ve looked the other way on this legal immigration that’
s kinda overwhelmed the country? When you look and there’s got 61 million,
20 percent of the country, is immigrants — is that not a massive problem?
You were with Jeff Sessions for many, many years. Is that not the beating
heart of this problem?
MILLER: Well, yes, it’s mind-boggling, and it is something I have talked
about before at some length on your program. It’s important to understand
that historically speaking, that immigration is supposed to be interrupted
with periods of assimilation and integration. So if you looked at the
numerically smaller immigration waves from 1880 to 1920, when the foreign-
born population increased from 7 million to 14 million, there was zero
immigration growth for the next half-century. In fact, the foreign-born
population growth shrank remarkably. So from 1920 to 1970, the foreign-born
population shrank from 14 million to about 10 million. The number of
immigrants in the country, the total number of immigrants, shrank in 50
years, and the overall American population doubled. Now, to just finish this
short history of immigration, from 1970 to today the foreign-born
population has quadrupled, more than quadrupled, from less than 10 million
to more than 40 million plus the kids that are from the CIS report.
BANNON: It’s scary. It’s scary.
Miller: So there is no precedent for that kind of growth whatsoever. If you
were to follow the history of the 20th century — and you want to win an
immigration argument with your friends, and they say we should follow
America’s history — well, the answer to that is, you’re absolutely right.
We should follow America’s history, and the history of America is that an
immigration-on period is followed by an immigration-off period.

【在 d***d 的大作中提到】
: 转移目标吧,竞选的时候天天非法的,现在根本不提非法几百万
完全同意 过一年回来看看这个帖子 打肿疮粉的脸 哦 那阵疮粉已经遣送回国了

【在 x***4 的大作中提到】
: 我估计最后劳模都没事,合法的老中h1b有相当一部分要被赶走。trump的行政命令已经
: 被bannon掌控了。

这个bannon和miller, 都是极端反移民的,不管何不合法
这两货完全扯淡。 61m合法移民,有几个是eb的?大部分是亲属,正比之类的。
亲属的不敢批拿high skilled开炮。


【在 L*******r 的大作中提到】
: 认为Trump会对合法移民有利的可以歇了。靠反移民上台的人可能会对移民客气么?
: President Donald Trump’s sweeping visa and refugee ban is likely only the
: beginning.
: Already he has signed a variation of a “Muslim ban” — and has suggested
: expanding it. He has pushed forward on the southern border wall, regardless
: of Mexico’s refusal to pay for it. And he is reportedly considering moves
: to overhaul the United States’ legal work visa program (H-1B visas) that
: many technology companies rely on. To many, it would appear that Trump is
: doing what he said he would do.


【在 w********i 的大作中提到】
: 这两货完全扯淡。 61m合法移民,有几个是eb的?大部分是亲属,正比之类的。
: 亲属的不敢批拿high skilled开炮。
: regardless

别造谣了,和Sanctuary Cities都搞了多久了,还不是在搞非法移民?

【在 d***d 的大作中提到】
: 转移目标吧,竞选的时候天天非法的,现在根本不提非法几百万
Bannon 这厮真他妈不是好鸟,麻痹美国人自己没本事读STEM还TM怪外国人抢了他们的

【在 c********1 的大作中提到】
: 别想合法不合法了,他是针对种族的,你还看不出来?!


【在 T*******u 的大作中提到】
: 这你就是胡扯了,这是排外,和种族没关系。这和上海人抱怨外地人抢他们工作一个德行