跪求一份DIY的NIW的PETITION,# Immigration - 落地生根
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娃看了看,用手指着,大声说“door holder"!
我信箱: E******[email protected]
a set of kids
-- ananpig

【在 k**n 的大作中提到】
: 教3岁娃认中国字,解释"们"字.汗一个,实在解释不清楚.你和许多小朋友玩,就是小朋
: 友们。跟妈妈念,门.........
: 娃看了看,用手指着,大声说“door holder"!
: -------------
: 她目前还不会开门,都是我给她转把手滴..........

Walmart, Target are included

【在 k**n 的大作中提到】
: 教3岁娃认中国字,解释"们"字.汗一个,实在解释不清楚.你和许多小朋友玩,就是小朋
: 友们。跟妈妈念,门.........
: 娃看了看,用手指着,大声说“door holder"!
: -------------
: 她目前还不会开门,都是我给她转把手滴..........

绿卡申请信模板七: EB2 NIW I-140 petition letter sample
::: 栏目 :::

下面是一封申请EB2 NIW I-140的petition letter的范例。这是多年前公开发表在
个人点评:EB2 NIW的申请是技术活,满足NIW的三个方面都必须论证到位,否则就通过
letter基本上达到了这几方面的要求。更难能可贵的是,这封petition letter的后面
Sept 28, 2006
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services
RE: EB-2 Petition for Permanent Residency with request for a
National Interest Waiver
Petitioner/Beneficiary: Dr. Xx Xx
Classification Sought: 203(b)(2) NIW
Type of Petition: I-140
Dear Immigration Officer:
This is respectfully submitted in support of Dr. Xx Xx’s petition for
classification as a qualified immigrant under the preference of advanced
degree professional/alien of exceptional ability. The evidence submitted
herewith will specifically demonstrate that Dr. Xx qualifies for a National
Interest Waiver under the standards set by In re New York State Dept. of
Transportation 22 I&N Dec. 215 (Comm. 1998)
Specifically, the evidence submitted will prove:
a. That Dr. Xx seeks employment in an area of substantial intrinsic merit;
b. That the proposed benefit of Dr. Xx’s work is national in scope; and
c. That the national interest would be adversely affected if a labor
certification were required.
The following is an overview of Dr. Xx’s unique and exceptional background
and his outstanding contributions to his field. This overview will serve as
part of the basis for how Dr. Xx is in a field of substantial intrinsic
merit and how the proposed benefit of his work is national in scope. It will
also serve as part of the basis for why the national interest would be
adversely affected if a labor certification were required.
Dr. Xx is an outstanding scientist in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
He is an advanced degree professional in this field by virtue of his Ph.D.
from the University of XX (Exhibit 8). Dr. Xx also has a Ph.D. in Applied
Mathematics from XXX. Dr. Xx is continuing his excellent research at the
University of XX (Exhibit 1). In the course of his career, Dr. Xx has
demonstrated outstanding expertise in mechanical engineering, particularly
as it relates to in the theoretical development of RR Design Optimization
and PP Design Optimization. Dr. Xx has employed his strong expertise to make
multiple major contributions in his field as described, in part, below.
In both his doctoral research and his continuing work at the University of
XX, Dr. Xx Xx has been carrying out remarkable research at the Center for
BBB. He has performed pioneering research on the topic of uncertainty and PP
theory, and made a critical development in PP design optimization and MM
design optimization. He has played a critical and pivotal role in several
projects that have generated numerous contributions reported in several
prestigious journals (Exhibit 1 & 14-22).
Among the most significant of Dr. Xx’s contributions are his advances for
PP design optimization. In many engineering design and optimization problems
, the presence of insufficient input data is a central and critical issue,
in particular, in the daily engineering practice. Early in the engineering
design cycle, it is difficult to quantify product reliability due to
insufficient data or information. The PP design optimization proposed by Dr.
Xx is a revolutionary strategy for dealing with situations when it is not
possible to obtain accurate statistical data in a system due to restriction
of resources or conditions (such as budgets, facilities, time, human factors
, etc). It provides more realistic and economic designs than those from
probability methods. Dr. Xx’s PP design method is a very useful and
attractive tool to perform operations with the following main advantages: (1
) AAA; (2) AAA; (3) AAA; and (4) AAA. Such high level improvements to design
practices prove the huge significance of Dr. Xx’s research and novel
developments towards an improvement of engineering design procedures. (
Exhibit 4: See also Exhibit 1-3, 5 & 6).
While his development of the PP method is quite a major contribution that
alone elevates Dr. Xx to very high standing in his field, it does not
comprise all of what Dr. Xx has contributed to this field. Recently he and
his supervisor raised another MM design optimization method that invokes
both RR and PP methods when the input information is a mixture of sufficient
and insufficient data (Exhibit 2). He has also, developed numerical methods
such as A, B, and C. These numerical methods largely achieved numerical
efficiency, accuracy, and stability during the optimization process (Exhibit
5; See also Exhibit 3).
These contributions by Dr. Xx have had a major impact on his field and
related industry.
For example, CC Inc., the world's largest manufacturer of construction and
mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, and industrial gas
turbines, has integrated Dr. Xx’s PP method using AA algorithm into CC’s
design process for the Whatever Project. This project focuses on design of
ABCDE that is desired to be both light and highly reliable. CC’s results
suggest that Dr. Xx’s method works perfectly; they achieved good results in
their first try, which caused much excitement for CC engineers. The
efficiency and robustness shown in Dr. Xx’s method is a good basis for
following steps in CC’s projects. What’s more, compared with other methods
, Dr. Xx’s method greatly increases the stability, efficiency, and safety
in the project. CC also has another project that has built upon Dr. Xx’s
numerical methods like his DD method discussed above (Exhibit 3).
Furthermore, Prof. H of the University of EEE in China, who has not met Dr.
Xx, mentions how one of Dr. H’s Ph.D. students has sought out Dr. Xx’s
assistance on the numerical methods Dr. Xx created. In the words of Prof. H,
“There is no doubt that Dr. Xx has already become a valuable member of the
international scientific community” (Exhibit 5; See also Exhibit 34).
For more on the impact of Dr. Xx’s work, consider the testimony of Prof. N
of the University of T, who also notes his own work being influenced by Dr.
Xx’s contributions despite having no working relationship with Dr. Xx. Dr.
Xx’s excellent optimization of the PP method as described above has
significantly benefited Prof. N’ own work. In the words of Prof. N: “This
work is very important to me and my collaborators because it enabled us to
design systems in the presence of both random and epistemic uncertainty by
combining probabilistic and possibilistic models. This shows the great
influence Dr. Xx’s work has had on his field” (Exhibit 6).
As can be seen above, Dr. Xx’s excellent work has had a substantial impact
on his field. The benefits and influence of Dr. Xx’s work are already quite
significant, concrete and widespread. As hinted above, his work has been
published in a number of prestigious journals (Exhibit 14-24; See also
Exhibit 25 & 26). The influence of Dr. Xx’s published works can be seen in
the fact that his work has been cited frequently by other scientists
throughout the U.S. and internationally (Exhibit 29-39). Note that none of
the citing papers submitted herewith are by Dr. Xx or any of his co-authors.
Further, other scientists have contacted Dr. Xx seeking to tap his
expertise (Exhibit 34 & 35). In recognition of his accomplishments and high
expertise, Dr. Xx has been called upon to review the works of other
scientists a number of times. (Exhibit 10-13) In addition, he has been
granted full membership in the honor society, Sigma Xi, which is based on
noteworthy achievements in science (Exhibit 9).
It is thus abundantly clear that Dr. Xx has produced original scientific
contributions that have significantly influenced his field. He has truly
established himself as an outstanding scientist in his field.
Dr. Xx seeks employment in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Specifically
, this field is one of substantial intrinsic merit for its promise to lead
to new and better means of designing the machines that are so significant to
our economy, industry, and society. Such research is clearly beneficial and
of substantial intrinsic merit.
Dr. Xx’s research has significant implications for the national interest of
the United States as a whole. As exemplary of his future promise, consider
his many great contributions in the area of improved reliability design. In
addition to the obvious concerns for industry, reliability in design is also
highly important for the U.S. military as exemplified in unanticipated need
to reinforce armored vehicles in Iraq after several such vehicles were
destroyed by improvised explosive devices. Similar public safety issues like
the design failures resulting in the AAA Explorer rollovers and the 456A
bridge collapse are relevant to issues addressed in Dr. Xx’s work. (See
generally Exhibits 2-4) Certainly, these raise concerns for the entire
nation and not just some part of it. Considering Dr. Xx’s excellent ability
in this area, as exemplified by his past accomplishments, his continued
employment is very important to the national interests of the United States
by uniquely developing solutions of methodology/software/hardware/human
resources for the pursuit of better quality, lower cost (lightweight), long-
lasting durability (less maintenance), and high reliability (Exhibit 2; See
also Exhibit 3, 4 & 6). There is no local or regional aspect to the benefits
to be derived from Dr. Xx’s research. Indeed, through the dissemination of
Dr. Xx’s research results, the scientific work of others in varied parts
of the country and even internationally have already been enhanced. Thus we
can expect that the continued dissemination of Dr. Xx’s research and
implementation of technology made possible by his work will result in more
benefits that will impact all parts of the nation. Moreover, as is detailed
above and more particularly elucidated below, Dr. Xx has the proven
abilities and past accomplishments to suggest that these benefits will be
realized if he were to continue to live and work in the United States.
Therefore, Dr. Xx’s prospective employment is proposed to benefit the
United States on a national scope.
1. Dr. Xx has specific prior achievements that justify projected future
benefits. Dr. Xx’s innovative and novel contributions, as discussed in
Section I above, prove his ability to provide unprecedented, unparalleled,
and vital benefits to the national interest. He has a truly impressive
record of success that has had a considerable impact on his field as
evidenced in part by the use of his research results by others in his field.
Further, his contributions have been well above those of others with
similar formal qualifications. According to Prof. C, “Dr. Xx has made
contributions to the field of uncertainty, reliability, RR design, PP design
, and MM design that are far above and beyond what could be expected by
another researcher” (Exhibit 1). Similarly, Dr. P comments as follows: “
Such an original contribution is truly uncommon in our field. Undoubtedly
this distinguished work shows that Dr. Xx is one of the leading figures in
his field” (Exhibit 3) Perhaps, more impressively, Dr. Xx’s work has
inspired other researchers as can be seen by the enthusiastic testimonials
of experts who have not worked with him. For instance, Prof. B of the
University of Singapore attests, “[Dr. Xx’s] achievements could not have
been accomplished by most of others in the field” (Exhibit 4). Prof. H,
another independent expert from the University of T of China, rates Dr. Xx’
s works as “some of the best on the topic” (Exhibit 5). In the objective
view of Prof. C of N University, Dr. Xx’s outstanding contributions place
him “at the forefront of [his] important area” (Exhibit 2). Finally,
consider the objective evaluation of Prof. N of the University of T: “I
regard [Dr. Xx’s] contributions as being some of the most significant
advances in our field” (Exhibit 6). As such, it can be seen that Dr. Xx’s
specific contributions are both highly influential for his field and of
superior nature to those of his peers. Dr. Xx’s past achievements prove
that he is especially able to make significant strides that are likely
greater than those of his peers. Moreover, no labor certification process
could take into account this impressive record of success.
2. Dr. Xx possesses unique and innovative skills, knowledge, and background
that serve the national interest. As can be seen from his remarkable
scientific accomplishments, Dr. Xx has highly valuable skills for his
ongoing work. In addition to his technical expertise, Dr. Xx is
distinguished through special traits like his uncommon intellect and work
ethic (Exhibit 6). Certainly such factors are beyond the scope of a labor
certification process. All of his special skills, abilities, and knowledge
combined with his past record of success make Dr. Xx ideally suited to his
kind of work. Moreover, these unique traits of his cannot be articulated in
a labor certification process.
3. Dr. Xx will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree
than others with minimum qualifications. Dr. Xx’s outstanding
accomplishments and exceptional abilities (above) prove his capacity to
perform at a level above that of others with similar minimum qualifications.
Dr. P asserts, “It is certain that Dr. Xx is one of very best experts at
the forefront of the field of design engineering” (Exhibit 3). Prof. C
ranks Dr. Xx as “an outstanding and leading” researcher in the field (
Exhibit 2). Prof. B offers these words of high praise in Exhibit 4: “In
view of Dr XX’s amazing work in the study of PP, it is my unequivocal
professional opinion that he shows an extraordinary level of knowledge and
skills.” Certainly, such an extraordinary, leading scientist as Dr. Xx will
contribute much more than would an average researcher in the same field.
This is affirmed by Prof. C in Exhibit 1: “Based on his past track of
accomplishments, I confidently project that Dr. Xx will attain greater
achievements in the future, and benefit our country in a greater capacity
than will his peers.” A similar sentiment is expressed by Prof. H: “Based
on [Dr. Xx’s] outstanding record of past success, we can certainly
anticipate that his future work will lead to a multitude of contributions
that will propel this field to new heights” (Exhibit 5). Therefore, Dr. Xx
will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree than will
most others with the same minimum qualifications.
4. Need for Dr. Xx’s continued participation in his work. As stated above,
Dr. Xx’s work is dedicated to advancing very important interests for our
nation. Moreover, Dr. Xx’s outstanding expertise is required for meaningful
progress to continue in his highly important ongoing work. As stated by Dr.
P, “Researchers and engineers with Dr. Xx’s demonstrated expertise are
much needed to fulfill our mission in providing the American people with
safer, more environmentally friendly, and innovative motor vehicles” (
Exhibit 3). Note that Dr. P emphasizes a need for people with Dr. Xx’s “
demonstrated expertise” rather than merely his set of technical training or
qualifications. We should not entrust such crucial work to others with mere
minimum qualifications when an outstanding expert like Dr. Xx is available.
Prof. C discussed this point as follows:
In conclusion, it is clear that Dr. Xx is a rare individual who has made and
is making critical research breakthroughs of enormous significance for our
nation’s economy, national defense and industry. His ongoing work is of the
utmost importance to the continued health and growth of high technology and
of the U.S. military and economy. It is in our country’s national interest
to grant a person of Dr. Xx’s high caliber, and proven track record,
permanent residence status. He is exactly the kind of person we need to keep
here in the United States. (Exhibit 1)
All of the evidence shows that individuals with only technical minimum
qualifications are not acceptable substitutes for Dr. Xx with his
demonstrated accomplishments and special, unquantifiable abilities. As Dr.
Xx’s abilities are so great compared with those of his peers, his absence
would seriously affect continued efforts in his area of work. Therefore, the
numerous significant benefits of such continued activities would be
significantly jeopardized without Dr. Xx’s presence in the United States,
which would be contrary to the U.S. national interest.
5. Consequences of requiring a labor certification. As much of the proposed
benefits from Dr. Xx’s work are dependent on his proven record of
achievement and his unique and innovative skills, knowledge, and background,
more than mere minimum qualifications are required for the success of his
proposed endeavors. Because a labor certification process is a standardized
one that relates only to minimum requirements, such a process will not take
into account these crucial factors. In other words, many of the essential
qualities that Dr. Xx has, which are so important to serving the national
interest, will not be articulated in a labor certification process. Moreover
, failure to consider these factors could result in a denial of a labor
certification because a U.S. worker with minimum qualifications might be
found. Since Dr. Xx will serve the nation to a substantially greater degree
than anyone with minimum qualifications will, his non-participation in his
current and future work would deprive the nation of his exceptional and
crucial contribution to the national interest. The loss of this significant
contribution would be contrary to the interests of the United States.
Therefore, requiring a labor certification would adversely affect the
national interest.
In summation, Dr. Xx is an exceptionally capable researcher who seeks
employment in an area of substantial intrinsic merit. His work is proposed
to benefit the nation as a whole. His rare, yet vital, skills and background
along with his impressive record of achievement and his unique knowledge
relevant to his current and future work indicates that he will serve to the
national interest to a substantially greater degree than another individual
with minimum qualifications. As a labor certification may deprive us of his
unique and exceptional future contributions, such a requirement would
adversely affect the national interest. The conclusion of these facts is
that Dr. Xx should be granted a National Interest Waiver.
I respectfully request that you consider this petition and the evidence
submitted herewith, and upon consideration, that you approve Dr. Xx Xx’s
petition and request for a National Interest Waiver.
Very sincerely yours,
Reference Letters:
Exhibit 1: Letter of recommendation from Dr. A of Mechanical Engineering at
the University of XX;
Exhibit 2: Letter of recommendation from Dr. W, Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineering at XX University, Director of XX Laboratory;
Exhibit 3: Letter of recommendation from Dr. XX, Senior Director of Research
and Advanced Engineering, XX Inc;
Exhibit 4: Letter of recommendation from Dr. B, Assistant Professor of Civil
Engineering at National University of S, Singapore;
Exhibit 5: Letter of recommendation from Dr. H, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering at University of T of China, Dean of School of Mechanical at T,
Director of HTS Lab, USA at XXX;
Exhibit 6: Letter of recommendation from Dr. N, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering at The University of T, Director of VV Lab, The University of T;
General Qualifications:
Exhibit 7: Dr. Xx Xx’s Curriculum Vitae;
Exhibit 8: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s academic degrees;
Exhibit 9: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s full membership in Sigma Xi, The
Scientific Research Society;
Service as Judge of Others’ Work:
Exhibit 10: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s service as peer-reviewer for
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA);
Exhibit 11: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s service as peer-reviewer for the
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (SMO, journal);
Exhibit 12: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s service as peer-reviewer for the
International Journal of Reliability and Safety (IJRS);
Exhibit 13: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s service as peer-reviewer for 2008
Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC2008);
Exhibit 14: Documentation of Dr. Xx Xx’s service as peer-reviewer for 2007
Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC2007);
Publications and Presentations:
Exhibit 15: Peer-reviewed journal article in the whatever, DOI # (web
published, will appear soon) co-authored by Xx Xx (first author);
Exhibit 16: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, co-authored by Xx Xx
(third author);
Exhibit 17: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever Vol. #, pp. 876-882, #
, co-authored by Xx Xx (third author);
Exhibit 18: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#,, co-authored by Xx Xx (first author);
Exhibit 19: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#, co-authored by Xx Xx (first author);
Exhibit 20: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#, co-authored by Xx Xx (second author);
Exhibit 21: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#, co-authored by Xx Xx (third author);
Exhibit 22: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#, (third author);
Exhibit 23: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#,, (first author);
Exhibit 24: Peer-reviewed journal article in whatever, Vol. #, pp. 876-882,
#,,, co-authored by Xx Xx (first author);
Exhibit 25: Documentation of 15 conference papers co-authored by Xx Xx;
Exhibit 26: Documentation of 8 presentations co-authored by Xx Xx;
Other Evidence
Exhibit 27: Documentation of 5 citations of Xx Xx’s first authored paper in
Whatever Vol. 14, pp. 175–193, 2001;
Exhibit 28: Documentation of 4 citations of Xx Xx’s third authored paper in
the Whatever, Vol. 29, pp. 134-148, 2005;
Exhibit 29: Documentation of 2 citations of Xx Xx’s third authored paper in
Whatever, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 874-884, 2005;
Exhibit 30: Documentation of a citation of Xx Xx’s first authored paper in
Whatever, Vol. 128, No. 4, pp. 928-935, 2006;
Exhibit 31: Documentation of 2 citations of Xx Xx’s first authored paper in
Whatever, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 2682-2690, 2006;
Exhibit 32: Documentation of 8 citations of Xx Xx’s second authored
conference paper in Whatever, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 2682-2690, 2006;
Exhibit 33: Documentation of 1 citation of Xx Xx’s third authored
conference paper in Whatever, Vol. 43, No. 4, 874-884, 2005;
Exhibit 34: Message from Mr. XX XX at the University of TT of China seeking
Dr. Xx’s guidance on a research issue;
Exhibit 35: Message from Mr. GG of the Institute for Advanced Studies in
Basic Sciences (IASBS) seeking Dr. Xx’s guidance on a research issue.
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