Why did Edgar Allan poe die so early?
Why did Edgar Allan poe die so early?# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
He died at 40 years old.
He is very talented, but I kind of do not understand why he died so sudden?
What is his influence to literature world?
不知道他为什么死得早 (40在那时算早吗?)。他是侦探小说的鼻祖。

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: He died at 40 years old.
: He is very talented, but I kind of do not understand why he died so sudden?
: What is his influence to literature world?

Edgar Allan Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

【在 l*****l 的大作中提到】
: 这个你得请教swanswanswan网友
哈,说个题外话,我很多年前的一个室友,他的一个女性哥们,当时正在 date Allan
Poe 的重孙子或重重孙子,名字叫 Edgar Allan Poe VI, or something like that :-)

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: He died at 40 years old.
: He is very talented, but I kind of do not understand why he died so sudden?
: What is his influence to literature world?

ALLAN POE结婚后,虽然很穷,却花钱给老婆雇用了

【在 i***i 的大作中提到】
: 不知道他为什么死得早 (40在那时算早吗?)。他是侦探小说的鼻祖。
我没查过ALLAN POE 有孩子。


【在 R******k 的大作中提到】
: 哈,说个题外话,我很多年前的一个室友,他的一个女性哥们,当时正在 date Allan
: Poe 的重孙子或重重孙子,名字叫 Edgar Allan Poe VI, or something like that :-)

Hmmm, 我刚才去查了一下,他果然没有孩子:
“Although Edgar Allan Poe had no children, numerous people are under the
misunderstanding that they are descendants. Many are actually descendants of
Poe’s cousins, especially Neilson Poe, but others are no relation at all.”

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: 我没查过ALLAN POE 有孩子。
: Allan


【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: He died at 40 years old.
: He is very talented, but I kind of do not understand why he died so sudden?
: What is his influence to literature world?

好好的东西, 被加上坏名头。
为啥不说好酒? 要做酒仙。 即使再不济, 说嗜酒如命也好啊。。

【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: 酗酒

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: 我只读过这首POEM,高中的时候英语课上听过点儿。
: 我记得这个,其它的东西没读过。
: Edgar Allan Poe
: It was many and many a year ago,
: In a kingdom by the sea,
: That a maiden there lived whom you may know
: By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
: And this maiden she lived with no other thought
: Than to love and be loved by me.

在我感觉上ALLAN POE是严肃的作家。

【在 c********d 的大作中提到】
: 这个经典,我第一次是在疯狂英语上听的朗诵版。
: 说实在的,我读过的爱伦坡的侦探小说其实不是特别对我胃口。就我的感觉,他的小说
: 似乎是以诡异阴森的场景和心理描述见长(桌旁的尸体,红魔的面具,黑猫);然而就
: 这二者,侦探小说中不乏比他做得更好的。看这种小说,文笔也不是我最关注的事情。
: 如果存心是为了吓自己,我更可能去看江户川乱步和横沟正史。



【在 R******k 的大作中提到】
: Hmmm, 我刚才去查了一下,他果然没有孩子:
: “Although Edgar Allan Poe had no children, numerous people are under the
: misunderstanding that they are descendants. Many are actually descendants of
: Poe’s cousins, especially Neilson Poe, but others are no relation at all.”
: 看来我这辈子和诗人走得最近的一刻居然是个幻影~


【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: 我只读过这首POEM,高中的时候英语课上听过点儿。
: 我记得这个,其它的东西没读过。
: Edgar Allan Poe
: It was many and many a year ago,
: In a kingdom by the sea,
: That a maiden there lived whom you may know
: By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
: And this maiden she lived with no other thought
: Than to love and be loved by me.

he was very talented..

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: He died at 40 years old.
: He is very talented, but I kind of do not understand why he died so sudden?
: What is his influence to literature world?

Her struggles with illness and death are believed to have affected his
poetry and prose, where dying young women appear as a frequent motif, as in
"Annabel Lee", "The Raven", and "Ligeia".
Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe (née Clemm; August 15, 1822 – January 30, 1847)
was the wife of American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The couple were first
cousins and married when Virginia Clemm was 13 and Poe was 27. Some
biographers have suggested that the couple's relationship was more like that
between brother and sister than like husband and wife in that they may have
never consummated their marriage. In January 1842 she contracted
tuberculosis, growing worse for five years until she died of the disease at
the age of 24 in the family's cottage outside New York City.
Along with other family members, Virginia Clemm and Edgar Allan Poe lived
together off and on for several years before their marriage. The couple
often moved to accommodate Poe's employment, living intermittently in
Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. A few years after their wedding, Poe
was involved in a substantial scandal involving Frances Sargent Osgood and
Elizabeth F. Ellet. Rumors about amorous improprieties on her husband's part
affected Virginia Poe so much that on her deathbed she claimed that Ellet
had murdered her. After her death, her body was eventually placed under the
same memorial marker as her husband's in Westminster Hall and Burying Ground
in Baltimore, Maryland. Only one image of Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe has been
authenticated: a watercolor portrait painted several hours after her death.
The disease and eventual death of his wife had a substantial effect on Edgar
Allan Poe, who became despondent and turned to alcohol to cope. Her
struggles with illness and death are believed to have affected his poetry
and prose, where dying young women appear as a frequent motif, as in "
Annabel Lee", "The Raven", and "Ligeia".
Early life[edit]
Virginia Eliza Clemm was born in 1822[1] and named after an older sister who
had died as an infant[2] only ten days earlier.[3] Her father William Clemm
, Jr. was a hardware merchant in Baltimore.[4] He had married Maria Poe,
Virginia's mother, on July 12, 1817,[5] after the death of his first wife,
Maria's first cousin Harriet.[6] Clemm had five children from his previous
marriage and went on to have three more with Maria.[4] After his death in
1826, he left very little to the family[7] and relatives offered no
financial support because they had opposed the marriage.[4] Maria supported
the family by sewing and taking in boarders, aided with an annual $240
pension granted to her mother Elizabeth Cairnes, who was paralyzed and
bedridden.[7] Elizabeth received this pension on behalf of her late husband,
"General" David Poe, a former quartermaster in Maryland who had loaned
money to the state.[8]
Edgar Poe first met his cousin Virginia in August 1829, four months after
his discharge from the Army. She was seven at the time.[9] In 1832, the
family – made up of Elizabeth, Maria, Virginia, and Virginia's brother
Henry[9] – was able to use Elizabeth's pension to rent a home at what was
then 3 North Amity Street in Baltimore.[10] Poe's older brother William
Henry Leonard Poe, who had been living with the family,[9] had recently died
on August 1, 1831.[11] Poe joined the household in 1833[12] and was soon
smitten by a neighbor named Mary Devereaux. The young Virginia served as a
messenger between the two, at one point retrieving a lock of Devereaux's
hair to give to Poe.[13] Elizabeth Cairnes Poe died on July 7, 1835,
effectively ending the family's income and making their financial situation
even more difficult.[14] Henry died around this time, sometime before 1836,
leaving Virginia as Maria Clemm's only surviving child.[15]
In August 1835, Poe left the destitute family behind and moved to Richmond,
Virginia to take a job at the Southern Literary Messenger.[16] While Poe was
away from Baltimore, another cousin, Neilson Poe, the husband of Virginia's
half-sister Josephine Clemm,[17] heard that Edgar was considering marrying
Virginia. Neilson offered to take her in and have her educated in an attempt
to prevent the girl's marriage to Edgar at such a young age, though
suggesting that the option could be reconsidered later.[18] Edgar called
Neilson, the owner of a newspaper in Baltimore, Maryland, his "bitterest
enemy" and interpreted his cousin's actions as an attempt at breaking his
connection with Virginia.[19] On August 29, 1835,[19] Edgar wrote an
emotional letter to Maria, declaring that he was "blinded with tears while
writing",[17] and pleading that she allow Virginia to make her own decision.
[20] Encouraged by his employment at the Southern Literary Messenger, Poe
offered to provide financially for Maria, Virginia and Henry if they moved
to Richmond.[21]
Virginia and Edgar's marriage certificate
Marriage plans were confirmed and Poe returned to Baltimore to file for a
marriage license on September 22, 1835. The couple might have been quietly
married as well, though accounts are unclear.[22] Their only public ceremony
was in Richmond on May 16, 1836, when they were married by a Presbyterian
minister named Rev. Amasa Converse.[23] Poe was 27 and Virginia was 13,
though her age was listed as 21.[23] This marriage bond was filed in
Richmond and included an affidavit from Thomas W. Cleland confirming the
bride's alleged age.[24] The ceremony was held in the evening at the home of
a Mrs. James Yarrington,[25] the owner of the boarding house in which Poe,
Virginia, and Virginia's mother Maria Clemm were staying.[26] Yarrington
helped Maria Clemm bake the wedding cake and prepared a wedding meal.[27]
The couple then had a short honeymoon in Petersburg, Virginia.[25]
Debate has raged regarding how unusual this pairing was based on the couple'
s age and blood relationship. Noted Poe biographer Arthur Hobson Quinn
argues it was not particularly unusual, nor was Poe's nicknaming his wife "
Sissy" or "Sis".[28] Another Poe biographer, Kenneth Silverman, contends
that though their first-cousin marriage was not unusual, her young age was.[
22] It has been suggested that Clemm and Poe had a relationship more like
that between brother and sister than between husband and wife.[29] Some
scholars, including Marie Bonaparte, have read many of Poe's works as
autobiographical and have concluded that Virginia died a virgin[30] because
she and her husband never consummated their marriage.[31] This
interpretation often assumes that Virginia is represented by the title
character in the poem "Annabel Lee": a "maiden... by the name of Annabel Lee
".[30] Poe biographer Joseph Wood Krutch suggests that Poe did not need
women "in the way that normal men need them", but only as a source of
inspiration and care,[32] and that Poe was never interested in women
sexually.[33] Friends of Poe suggested that the couple did not share a bed
for at least the first two years of their marriage but that, from the time
she turned 16, they had a "normal" married life until the onset of her
Virginia and Poe were by all accounts a happy and devoted couple. Poe's one-
time employer George Rex Graham wrote of their relationship: "His love for
his wife was a sort of rapturous worship of the spirit of beauty."[35] Poe
once wrote to a friend, "I see no one among the living as beautiful as my
little wife."[36] She, in turn, by many contemporary accounts, nearly
idolized her husband.[37] She often sat close to him while he wrote, kept
his pens in order, and folded and addressed his manuscripts.[38] She showed
her love for Poe in an acrostic poem she composed when she was 23, dated
February 14, 1846:
Virginia's handwritten Valentine poem to her husband
Ever with thee I wish to roam —
Dearest my life is thine.
Give me a cottage for my home
And a rich old cypress vine,
Removed from the world with its sin and care
And the tattling of many tongues.
Love alone shall guide us when we are there —
Love shall heal my weakened lungs;
And Oh, the tranquil hours we'll spend,
Never wishing that others may see!
Perfect ease we'll enjoy, without thinking to lend
Ourselves to the world and its glee —
Ever peaceful and blissful we'll be.[39]
Osgood/Ellet scandal[edit]
Frances Sargent Osgood
The "tattling of many tongues" in Virginia's Valentine poem was a reference
to actual incidents.[40] In 1845, Poe had begun a flirtation with Frances
Sargent Osgood, a married 34-year-old poet.[41] Virginia was aware of the
friendship and might even have encouraged it.[42] She often invited Osgood
to visit them at home, believing that the older woman had a "restraining"
effect on Poe, who had made a promise to "give up the use of stimulants" and
was never drunk in Osgood's presence.[43]
At the same time, another poet, Elizabeth F. Ellet, became enamored of Poe
and jealous of Osgood.[42] Though, in a letter to Sarah Helen Whitman, Poe
called her love for him "loathsome" and wrote that he "could do nothing but
repel [it] with scorn", he printed many of her poems to him in the Broadway
Journal while he was its editor.[44] Ellet was known for being meddlesome
and vindictive[45] and, while visiting the Poe household in late January
1846, she saw one of Osgood's personal letters to Poe.[46] According to
Ellet, Virginia pointed out "fearful paragraphs" in Osgood's letter.[47]
Ellet contacted Osgood and suggested she should beware of her indiscretions
and asked Poe to return her letters,[46] motivated either by jealousy or by
a desire to cause scandal.[47] Osgood then sent Margaret Fuller and Anne
Lynch Botta to ask Poe on her behalf to return the letters. Angered by their
interference, Poe called them "Busy-bodies" and said that Ellet had better
"look after her own letters", suggesting indiscretion on her part.[48] He
then gathered up these letters from Ellet and left them at her house.[46]
Though these letters had already been returned to her, Ellet asked her
brother "to demand of me the letters".[48] Her brother, Colonel William
Lummis, did not believe that Poe had already returned them and threatened to
kill him. In order to defend himself, Poe requested a pistol from Thomas
Dunn English.[46] English, Poe's friend and a minor writer who was also a
trained doctor and lawyer, likewise did not believe that Poe had already
returned the letters and even questioned their existence.[48] The easiest
way out of the predicament, he said, "was a retraction of unfounded charges"
.[49] Angered at being called a liar, Poe pushed English into a fistfight.
Poe later claimed he was triumphant in the fight, though English claimed
otherwise, and Poe's face was badly cut by one of English's rings.[46] In
Poe's version, he said, "I gave E. a flogging which he will remember to the
day of his death." Either way, the fight further sparked gossip over the
Osgood affair.[50]
Osgood's husband stepped in and threatened to sue Ellet unless she formally
apologized for her insinuations. She retracted her statements in a letter to
Osgood saying, "The letter shown me by Mrs Poe must have been a forgery"
created by Poe himself.[51] She put all the blame on Poe, suggesting the
incident was because Poe was "intemperate and subject to acts of lunacy".[52
] Ellet spread the rumor of Poe's insanity, which was taken up by other
enemies of Poe and reported in newspapers. The St. Louis Reveille reported:
"A rumor is in circulation in New York, to the effect that Mr. Edgar A. Poe,
the poet and author, has been deranged, and his friends are about to place
him under the charge of Dr. Brigham of the Insane Retreat at Utica."[53] The
scandal eventually died down only when Osgood reunited with her husband.[52
] Virginia, however, had been very affected by the whole affair. She had
received anonymous letters about her husband's alleged indiscretions as
early as July 1845. It is presumed that Ellet was involved with these
letters, and they so disturbed Virginia that she allegedly declared on her
deathbed that "Mrs. E. had been her murderer."[54]
By this time, Virginia had developed consumption, first seen sometime in the
middle of January 1842. While singing and playing the piano, Virginia began
to bleed from the mouth, though Poe said she merely "ruptured a blood-
vessel".[55] Her health declined and she became an invalid, which drove Poe
into a deep depression, especially as she occasionally showed signs of
improvement. In a letter to a friend, Poe described his resulting mental
state: "Each time I felt all the agonies of her death—and at each accession
of the disorder I loved her more dearly & clung to her life with more
desperate pertinacity. But I am constitutionally sensitive—nervous in a
very unusual degree. I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity
Virginia's condition might have been what prompted the Poe family to move,
in the hopes of finding a healthier environment for her. They moved several
times within Philadelphia in the early 1840s and their last home in that
city is now preserved as the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site in
Spring Garden.[57] In this home, Virginia was well enough to tend the flower
garden[58] and entertain visitors by playing the harp or the piano and
singing.[59] The family then moved to New York sometime in early April 1844,
traveling by train and steamboat. Virginia waited on board the ship while
her husband secured space at a boarding house on Greenwich Street.[60] By
early 1846, family friend Elizabeth Oakes Smith said that Virginia admitted,
"I know I shall die soon; I know I can't get well; but I want to be as
happy as possible, and make Edgar happy."[61] She promised her husband that
after her death she would be his guardian angel.[62]
Move to Fordham[edit]
Virginia Poe endured the latter part of her illness at this cottage in the
Bronx, New York, shown here in 1900.
In May 1846, the family (Poe, Virginia, and her mother, Maria) moved to a
small cottage in Fordham, about fourteen miles outside the city,[63] a home
which is still standing today. In what is the only surviving letter from Poe
to Virginia, dated June 12, 1846, he urged her to remain optimistic: "Keep
up your heart in all hopelessness, and trust yet a little longer." Of his
recent loss of the Broadway Journal, the only magazine Poe ever owned, he
said, "I should have lost my courage but for you—my darling little wife you
are my greatest and only stimulus now to battle with this uncongenial,
unsatisfactory and ungrateful life."[64] But by November of that year,
Virginia's condition was hopeless.[15] Her symptoms included irregular
appetite, flushed cheeks, unstable pulse, night sweats, high fever, sudden
chills, shortness of breath, chest pains, coughing and spitting up blood.[64]
Nathaniel Parker Willis, a friend of Poe's and an influential editor,
published an announcement on December 30, 1846, requesting help for the
family, though his facts were not entirely correct:[65]
Illness of Edgar A. Poe. —We regret to learn that this gentleman and his
wife are both dangerously ill with the consumption, and that the hand of
misfortune lies heavily on their temporal affairs. We are sorry to mention
the fact that they are so far reduced as to be barely able to obtain the
necessaries of life. That is, indeed, a hard lot, and we do hope that the
friends and admirers of Mr. Poe will come promptly to his assistance in his
bitterest hour of need.[66]
Her bedroom at Poe Cottage.
Willis, who had not corresponded with Poe for two years and had since lost
his own wife, was one of his greatest supporters in this period. He sent Poe
and his wife an inspirational Christmas book, The Marriage Ring; or How to
Make a Home Happy.[66]
The announcement was similar to one made for Poe's mother, Eliza Poe, during
her last stages of tuberculosis.[65] Other newspapers picked up on the
story: "Great God!", said one, "is it possible, that the literary people of
the Union, will let poor Poe perish by starvation and lean faced beggary in
New York? For so we are led to believe, from frequent notices in the papers,
stating that Poe and his wife are both down upon a bed of misery, death,
and disease, with not a ducat in the world."[66] The Saturday Evening Post
asserted that Virginia was in a hopeless condition and that Poe was bereft:
"It is said that Edgar A. Poe is lying dangerously with brain fever, and
that his wife is in the last stages of consumption—they are without money
and without friends."[64] Even editor Hiram Fuller, whom Poe had previously
sued for libel, attempted in the New York Mirror to garner support for Poe
and his wife: "We, whom he has quarrelled with, will take the lead", he
Virginia was described as having dark hair and violet eyes, with skin so
pale it was called "pure white",[67] causing a "bad complexion that spoiled
her looks".[2] One visitor to the Poe family noted that "the rose-tint upon
her cheek was too bright", possibly a symptom of her illness.[68] Another
visitor in Fordham wrote, "Mrs. Poe looked very young; she had large black
eyes, and a pearly whiteness of complexion, which was a perfect pallor. Her
pale face, her brilliant eyes, and her raven hair gave her an unearthly look
."[69] That unearthly look was mentioned by others who suggested it made her
look not quite human.[70] William Gowans, who once lodged with the family,
described Virginia as a woman of "matchless beauty and loveliness, her eye
could match that of any houri, and her face defy the genius of a Canova to
imitate".[71] She might have been a little plump.[70] Many contemporary
accounts as well as modern biographers remark on her childlike appearance
even in the last years of her life.[9][70][72]
Memorial marker to Virginia Clemm, Maria Clemm, and Edgar Allan Poe in
Baltimore, Maryland
While dying, Virginia asked her mother: "Darling... will you console and
take care of my poor Eddy—you will never never leave him?"[73] Her mother
stayed with Poe until his own death in 1849. As Virginia was dying, the
family received many visitors, including an old friend named Mary Starr. At
one point Virginia put Starr's hand in Poe's and asked her to "be a friend
to Eddy, and don't forsake him".[74] Virginia was tended to by 25-year old
Marie Louise Shew. Shew, who served as a nurse, knew medical care from her
father and her husband, both doctors.[75] She provided Virginia with a
comforter as her only other cover was Poe's old military cloak, as well as
bottles of wine, which the invalid drank "smiling, even when difficult to
get it down".[74] Virginia also showed Poe a letter from Louisa Patterson,
second wife of Poe's foster-father John Allan, which she had kept for years[
76] and which suggested that Patterson had purposely caused the break
between Allan and Poe.[74]
On January 29, 1847, Poe wrote to Marie Louise Shew: "My poor Virginia still
lives, although failing fast and now suffering much pain."[72] Virginia
died the following day, January 30,[77] after five years of illness. Shew
helped in organizing her funeral, even purchasing the coffin.[78] Death
notices appeared in several newspapers. On February 1, The New York Daily
Tribune and the Herald carried the simple obituary: "On Saturday, the 30th
ult., of pulmonary consumption, in the 25th year of her age, VIRGINIA ELIZA,
wife of EDGAR A. POE."[74] The funeral was February 2, 1847.[72] Attendees
included Nathaniel Parker Willis, Ann S. Stephens, and publisher George Pope
Morris. Poe refused to look at his dead wife's face, saying he preferred to
remember her living.[79] Though now buried at Westminster Hall and Burying
Ground, Virginia was originally buried in a vault owned by the Valentine
family, from whom the Poes rented their Fordham cottage.[78]
Only one image of Virginia is known to exist, for which the painter had to
take her corpse as model.[9] A few hours after her death, Poe realized he
had no image of Virginia and so commissioned a portrait in watercolor.[72]
She is shown wearing "beautiful linen" that Shew said she had dressed her in
;[79] Shew might have been the portrait's artist, though this is uncertain.[
78] The image depicts her with a slight double chin and with hazel eyes.[72]
The image was passed down to the family of Virginia's half-sister Josephine
, wife of Neilson Poe.[79]
In 1875, the same year in which her husband's body was reburied, the
cemetery in which she lay was destroyed and her remains were almost
forgotten. An early Poe biographer, William Gill, gathered the bones and
stored them in a box he hid under his bed.[80] Gill's story was reported in
the Boston Herald twenty-seven years after the event: he says that he had
visited the Fordham cemetery in 1883 at exactly the moment that the sexton
Dennis Valentine held Virginia's bones in his shovel, ready to throw them
away as unclaimed. Poe himself had died in 1849, and so Gill took Virginia's
remains and, after corresponding with Neilson Poe and John Prentiss Poe in
Baltimore, arranged to bring the box down to be laid on Poe's left side in a
small bronze casket.[81] Virginia's remains were finally buried with her
husband's on January 19, 1885[82]—the seventy-sixth anniversary of her
husband's birth and nearly ten years after his current monument was erected.
The same man who served as sexton during Poe's original burial and his
exhumations and reburials was also present at the rites which brought his
body to rest with Virginia and Virginia's mother Maria Clemm.[81]
Effect and influence on Poe[edit]
Virginia's death had a significant effect on Poe. After her death, Poe was
deeply saddened for several months. A friend said of him, "the loss of his
wife was a sad blow to him. He did not seem to care, after she was gone,
whether he lived an hour, a day, a week or a year; she was his all."[83] A
year after her death, he wrote to a friend that he had experienced the
greatest evil a man can suffer when, he said, "a wife, whom I loved as no
man ever loved before", had fallen ill.[34] While Virginia was still
struggling to recover, Poe turned to alcohol after abstaining for quite some
time. How often and how much he drank is a controversial issue, debated in
Poe's lifetime and also by modern biographers.[57] Poe referred to his
emotional response to his wife's sickness as his own illness, and that he
found the cure to it "in the death of my wife. This I can & do endure as
becomes a man—it was the horrible never-ending oscillation between hope &
despair which I could not longer have endured without the total loss of
Poe regularly visited Virginia's grave. As his friend Charles Chauncey Burr
wrote, "Many times, after the death of his beloved wife, was he found at the
dead hour of a winter night, sitting beside her tomb almost frozen in the
snow".[85] Shortly after Virginia's death, Poe courted several other women,
including Nancy Richmond of Lowell, Massachusetts, Sarah Helen Whitman of
Providence, Rhode Island, and childhood sweetheart Sarah Elmira Royster in
Richmond. Even so, Frances Sargent Osgood, whom Poe also attempted to woo,
believed "that [Virginia] was the only woman whom he ever loved".[86]
References in literature[edit]
Many of Poe's works are interpreted autobiographically, with much of his
work believed to reflect Virginia's long struggle with tuberculosis and her
eventual death. The most discussed example is "Annabel Lee". This poem,
which depicts a dead young bride and her mourning lover, is often assumed to
have been inspired by Virginia, though other women in Poe's life are
potential candidates including Frances Sargent Osgood[87] and Sarah Helen
Whitman.[88] A similar poem, "Ulalume", is also believed to be a memorial
tribute to Virginia,[89] as is "Lenore", whose title character is described
as "the most lovely dead that ever died so young!"[90] After Poe's death,
George Gilfillan of the London-based Critic said Poe was responsible for his
wife's death, "hurrying her to a premature grave, that he might write '
Annabel Lee' and 'The Raven'".[91] The aforementioned critic was either
unconcerned with, or unaware of, the fact that The Raven was written and
published two years before Virginia's death.
Virginia is also seen in Poe's prose. The short story "Eleonora" (1842)—
which features a narrator preparing to marry his cousin, with whom he lives
alongside her mother—may also refer to Virginia's illness. When Poe wrote
it, his wife had just begun to show signs of her illness.[92] It was shortly
thereafter that the couple moved to New York City by boat and Poe published
"The Oblong Box" (1844). This story, which shows a man mourning his young
wife while transporting her corpse by boat, seems to suggest Poe's feelings
about Virginia's impending death. As the ship sinks, the husband would
rather die than be separated from his wife's corpse.[93] The short story "
Ligeia", whose title character suffers a slow and lingering death, may also
be inspired by Virginia.[94] After his wife's death, Poe edited his first
published story, "Metzengerstein", to remove the narrator's line, "I would
wish all I love to perish of that gentle disease", a reference to

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 这首是他妻子去世后写的?
他不可能27岁才初恋,我推测SOMEONE ELSE。
"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem[1] composed by American author Edgar
Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of
a beautiful woman.[2] The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when
they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are envious.
He retains his love for her even after her death. There has been debate over
who, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee". Though many women
have been suggested, Poe's wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe is one of the more
credible candidates. Written in 1849, it was not published until shortly
after Poe's death that same year.

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 这首是他妻子去世后写的?
when she was 23, dated February 14, 1846:
Virginia's handwritten Valentine poem to her husband
Ever with thee I wish to roam —
Dearest my life is thine.
Give me a cottage for my home
And a rich old cypress vine,
Removed from the world with its sin and care
And the tattling of many tongues.
Love alone shall guide us when we are there —
Love shall heal my weakened lungs;
And Oh, the tranquil hours we'll spend,
Never wishing that others may see!
Perfect ease we'll enjoy, without thinking to lend
Ourselves to the world and its glee —
Ever peaceful and blissful we'll be.[39]


【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: 是的,但是不知道这个安那贝儿李究竟是谁,
: 可能是他妻子,最可能。
: 从文学的角度,可能综合了两个以上的女性。
: 死亡那部分我确定是WIFE,LOVE那部分我猜测是初恋。
: 他不可能27岁才初恋,我推测SOMEONE ELSE。
: "Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem[1] composed by American author Edgar
: Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of
: a beautiful woman.[2] The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when
: they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are envious.
: He retains his love for her even after her death. There has been debate over
