Church, Library, Gymboree class...... they say you can meet more than enough parents with kids at churches, but I never go there since I'm not religious.
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : Church, Library, Gymboree class...... : they say you can meet more than enough parents with kids at churches, but I : never go there since I'm not religious.
still 发愁的, there are several libraries nearby, but I havent checked them out yet, I guess you have to check online to see their schedules and special activities for kids, then go. maybe you can take him to different parks and playgrounds, and see if there are "Little Gym" class(similar to Gymboree) near where you live.
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : still 发愁的, there are several libraries nearby, but I havent checked them : out yet, I guess you have to check online to see their schedules and : special activities for kids, then go. : maybe you can take him to different parks and playgrounds, and see if there : are "Little Gym" class(similar to Gymboree) near where you live.
en 同龄玩伴 is not easy, I know at least 4, 5 Chinese people with similar age child within 10 miles, but all not excited about the idea of playmate, except one mom.
【在 w********t 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢,其实是有金伯利班的,可是我必须开车过一个26麦的跨湖大桥 : 那桥一直挑战我的开车极限,路窄啊,而且一旦有大雨大风,我就基本歇菜了 : 其实我经常逛街也在给我哇找同龄玩伴,感觉还不太容易 : 有些父母不太热情,有些又貌似太凶,有些住得太远 : 还有些一认识就教育我如何如何带娃,我也直接一笑了之了,呵呵 : : them : there
en 同龄玩伴 is not easy, I know at least 4, 5 Chinese people with similar age child within 10 miles, but all not excited about the idea of playmate, except one mom.
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : en 同龄玩伴 is not easy, I know at least 4, 5 Chinese people with similar : age child within 10 miles, but all not excited about the idea of playmate, : except one mom.
【在 r*f 的大作中提到】 : 公立图书馆网上能查到event info,比如story times for babies....
26 楼
yes NYC, tons of 中国人, there are at least 2 other chinese kids at my son's gymboree class, and I know 4, 5 people from NY board with similar aged kids nearby. The thing is, Chinese parents are more, "isolated" or "reserved" in terms of hanging out together regularly to playdate.
【在 j**f 的大作中提到】 : MM你不是住NYC么?那里很多中国人吧? : NYC的都不好找,别的地方的怎么活啊。 : : en 同龄玩伴 is not easy, I know at least 4, 5 Chinese people with similar : age child within 10 miles, but all not excited about the idea of playmate, : except one mom.
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : yes NYC, tons of 中国人, there are at least 2 other chinese kids at my son's : gymboree class, and I know 4, 5 people from NY board with similar aged kids : nearby. : The thing is, Chinese parents are more, "isolated" or "reserved" in terms of : hanging out together regularly to playdate.
28 楼
must be very good friends to just give a call, and walk over...
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : still 发愁的, there are several libraries nearby, but I havent checked them : out yet, I guess you have to check online to see their schedules and : special activities for kids, then go. : maybe you can take him to different parks and playgrounds, and see if there : are "Little Gym" class(similar to Gymboree) near where you live.
38 楼
哈哈哈 是不是因为前阵子硅谷那个playdate的坑
【在 V*****8 的大作中提到】 : en 同龄玩伴 is not easy, I know at least 4, 5 Chinese people with similar : age child within 10 miles, but all not excited about the idea of playmate, : except one mom.