2 楼
打算生孩子的话,用Kaiser,Blue Shield HMO,还是Blue Shield PPO好呢?
选保险,主要看那一块? Outpatient copay? precription copay? inpatient
admission charge?
选保险,主要看那一块? Outpatient copay? precription copay? inpatient
admission charge?
4 楼
don't know about blue shield. with kaiser for more than ten years. just
had a baby boy seven months ago. the total cost is $100, all ob visits, lab
work, labor and delivery, two days and nights of hospitals after baby's
birth, and up to six-month ped visits included.
had a baby boy seven months ago. the total cost is $100, all ob visits, lab
work, labor and delivery, two days and nights of hospitals after baby's
birth, and up to six-month ped visits included.
6 楼
Blue Shield PPO 好.
10各半月的宝宝吃奶多少?分享痔疮和肛裂的治疗方法大家都是在孕几周时补充DHA和钙的。6个月check up大家都怎么弄college fund的?带两个孩子能坚持下来吗?求一个babydepot的胖子各位宝妈,请教新生儿用那款travel system好一些 (转载)请问大家都用什么方式寄奶票1岁的宝宝喝什么样的牛奶?最近有ergo carrier的deal吗?babybjorn已经要把我们夫妇的后背折断了!又来求祝福!如果miss period by 9 days大家给宝宝过生日是生日当天还是选个靠近的周末?小盆友~演技还需加强啊~宫缩到底是啥感觉?[bssd]BSO帖,让我感动的婆婆孕18周,胎盘和血管前置待查,求前辈建议和祝福在daycare给女儿应该准备什么样的防晒霜呢大家睡觉都尽量左侧吗?