A table of VBA2+C success rate (vaginal birth after 2 or more cesareans)
A table of VBA2+C success rate (vaginal birth after 2 or more cesareans)# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Table II: VBA2+C Success Rates
Study Name/Year VBA2C rate Number of TOLs Number of VBA2+Cs
Saldana, 1979 58% n=38 22
Porreco, 1983 81% n=21 17
Martin, 1983 63% n=19 12
Wadhawan, 1983 71% n=31 22
Farmakides, 1987 77% n=57 44
Stovall, 1987 84% n=51 43
Phelan 1987 * 73% n=159 116
Pruett, 1988 45% n=55 25
Flamm, 1988 * 76% n=89 68
Veridiano, 1989 84% n=25 21
Phelan, 1989** 69% n=501 346
Novas, 1989 80% n=36 29
Flamm, 1990*** 64% n=156 100
Wessel, 1990 75% n=16 12
Hansell, 1990 77% n=35 27
Miller, 1994 75% n=1827 1376
Cowan, 1994* 79% n=75 59
Granovsky, 1994 73% n=26 19
Behrens, 1994**** 70% unknown unknown
Chattopadhyay, 1994 90% n=115 103
Asakura, 1995 64% n=302 194
Davies, 1996 60% n=5 3
Abbassi, 1998 50% n=130 65
Bretelle, 1998 65% n=96 62
Caughey, 1999 62% n=134 83
*(overall average for 2 or more c/s)
**It is unclear whether the Phelan 1987 and Phelan 1989 studies have duplicate subjects (like the Flamm 1988 and 1990 studies do). Because it cannot be determined for sure, they have been assumed to be separate. If there are duplicates, the totals given below would be thrown off somewhat but not by a great deal. The averages below should still hold with little variation.
*** (VBA2+C rate for second half of study only; first half reported in Flamm 1988)
***info from abstract, which only specifies a 70% VBA2C success rate after induction with PGE2 gel. Because the number of TOLs and number of VBACs are unknown at this time, the success rate only was considered in averaging success rates; the data was not figured into the total number of known VBA2+C TOLs.