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When can my baby have ice-cream?
Written for BabyCenter India
The BabyCenter Editorial Team answers:
Introducing ice cream to your baby’s diet depends on how old your baby
is. Experts recommend that ice creams should not be given to babies less
than six months of age, as their digestive systems are not ready for
dairy products.
Ice cream can be safely given to babies over a year old once they have
been introduced to other dairy products, such as curd, cheese, and
Most commercial ice creams are heat pasteurized and that will take care
of the bacteria, but you may need to watch out for allergies to
additives, colouring agents, peanuts (or any other nuts), strawberries,
etc. Your baby may be lactose intolerant in which case, it is best to
avoid ice creams. You can opt for other desserts such as a fruit sorbet
or a suji halwa.
Do not buy ice creams and popsicles or baraf ke gole chuskis from
roadside vendors as the hygiene levels are suspect. Instead, opt for
homemade fruit smoothies, shrikhand, mishti doi, flavoured yogurt or
yogurt with fruit.
Avoid too many scoopfuls of ice cream even for toddlers above a year or
so, as it is rich in sugar and milk fat.
Created February 2008
【在 n*****g 的大作中提到】
: 还没给宝宝吃呢,不知道这么大的孩子吃冰激淋好不好。哪一种更适合?
When can my baby have ice-cream?
Written for BabyCenter India
The BabyCenter Editorial Team answers:
Introducing ice cream to your baby’s diet depends on how old your baby
is. Experts recommend that ice creams should not be given to babies less
than six months of age, as their digestive systems are not ready for
dairy products.
Ice cream can be safely given to babies over a year old once they have
been introduced to other dairy products, such as curd, cheese, and
Most commercial ice creams are heat pasteurized and that will take care
of the bacteria, but you may need to watch out for allergies to
additives, colouring agents, peanuts (or any other nuts), strawberries,
etc. Your baby may be lactose intolerant in which case, it is best to
avoid ice creams. You can opt for other desserts such as a fruit sorbet
or a suji halwa.
Do not buy ice creams and popsicles or baraf ke gole chuskis from
roadside vendors as the hygiene levels are suspect. Instead, opt for
homemade fruit smoothies, shrikhand, mishti doi, flavoured yogurt or
yogurt with fruit.
Avoid too many scoopfuls of ice cream even for toddlers above a year or
so, as it is rich in sugar and milk fat.
Created February 2008
【在 n*****g 的大作中提到】
: 还没给宝宝吃呢,不知道这么大的孩子吃冰激淋好不好。哪一种更适合?
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