2 楼
yes, it will.
My mom just got denied for her visa recently only because we extended her
stay last time which is one year and half ago. and the visa officer told her
not to apply visa until next February which means she has to stay in China
for 2 years to apply visa as she extended her stay in US.
My mom just got denied for her visa recently only because we extended her
stay last time which is one year and half ago. and the visa officer told her
not to apply visa until next February which means she has to stay in China
for 2 years to apply visa as she extended her stay in US.
5 楼
我妈妈延期过4次, 每次都是在美国待1年, 回国待一年再过来, 每次签证都不影响
, 顺利签过, 落地I-94每次都给6个月。
, 顺利签过, 落地I-94每次都给6个月。
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