2 楼
3 楼
same here. 我妈每次都打不开,还得叫我来按。
4 楼
5 楼
“The buckle on the child restraint harness is incredibly stiff. Releasing
the straps from the buckle takes a good deal of effort. I had previously
thought he Peg Perego buckles were the worst, but Britax certainly proved me
wrong. If your child is a pint sized Houdini, then this buckle should do an
excellent job of keeping him or her in the stroller.”
【在 s********y 的大作中提到】
: 我在amazon看review的时候似乎有些人有提到过这个问题,好像现在没什么办法解决。
“The buckle on the child restraint harness is incredibly stiff. Releasing
the straps from the buckle takes a good deal of effort. I had previously
thought he Peg Perego buckles were the worst, but Britax certainly proved me
wrong. If your child is a pint sized Houdini, then this buckle should do an
excellent job of keeping him or her in the stroller.”
【在 s********y 的大作中提到】
: 我在amazon看review的时候似乎有些人有提到过这个问题,好像现在没什么办法解决。
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