2 楼
Don't forget the stroller, small toys and some snack. As for car seat, you
have an option to rent one from the rental car company. Otherwise, both the
stroller and the car seat can be checked in at the gate. Yes, kids 2 and up
need to get their own seats and you can buy the flight tickets together.
【在 c*******y 的大作中提到】
: 就在美国国内旅游,要带car seat么?如果需要买票,直接在网站上买么?谢谢
have an option to rent one from the rental car company. Otherwise, both the
stroller and the car seat can be checked in at the gate. Yes, kids 2 and up
need to get their own seats and you can buy the flight tickets together.
【在 c*******y 的大作中提到】
: 就在美国国内旅游,要带car seat么?如果需要买票,直接在网站上买么?谢谢
3 楼
说可能需要Child Restraint Systems,在哪能买呢?
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Don't forget the stroller, small toys and some snack. As for car seat, you
: have an option to rent one from the rental car company. Otherwise, both the
: stroller and the car seat can be checked in at the gate. Yes, kids 2 and up
: need to get their own seats and you can buy the flight tickets together.
说可能需要Child Restraint Systems,在哪能买呢?
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Don't forget the stroller, small toys and some snack. As for car seat, you
: have an option to rent one from the rental car company. Otherwise, both the
: stroller and the car seat can be checked in at the gate. Yes, kids 2 and up
: need to get their own seats and you can buy the flight tickets together.
4 楼
Child Restraint Systems = car seat
ErgoBaby Carrier Sport vs. Original旅行证的小二寸照片到哪里拍?我家宝宝的爱与恨(一个月大宝宝)Lucerne cheddar cheese stick 可以给宝宝当零食吃么?兼奔照片最近两天瓶喂总是呛奶,怎么回事?急问:美国海关的full body scanner对孕妇有没有影响?武汉话有几句听得挺别扭的宝宝在一天天长大真心请教版上的姐妹们两个月的宝宝是不是feed on demand就可以了阿请教一个冻奶问题medela的奶泵是不是越贵的越好,以前在这看到过有人讨论。请问这里有XDJM给宝宝念故事书的么?请教宝宝上daycare的问题,顺奔宝大家都用Breathable Bump吗?第一次听到宝宝的心跳宝宝对妈妈称呼的变化求救:厌米糊糊?求助求助 产后13天,恶露突然增多,腰也酸痛的要命。。。为啥啊我的产经,一口气写了篇很唐的,从破水到出院(附照片)