Because didn't expect to have a baby this year so put only $500 into the accout. But the bill for delivering and all the labs could make this years's medical expense about $2000. Really hope can pay with before tax money.
This event qualifies for adding FSA contribution. You can simply send a check to your employer while no paychecks. Your HR person is not very knowledgable.
【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】 : Because didn't expect to have a baby this year so put only $500 into the : accout. : But the bill for delivering and all the labs could make this years's medical : expense about $2000. : Really hope can pay with before tax money.
【在 b****a 的大作中提到】 : This event qualifies for adding FSA contribution. You can simply send a : check to your employer while no paychecks. Your HR person is not very : knowledgable. : : medical
6 楼
我之前没有FSA账户,昨天收到宣传册, 准备开一个。写的open season is from Nov. 7 to Dec. 25.宝宝的预产期是明年1月1日,我的理解是在这个open season开了FSA账 户,我生宝宝之后的费用就可以走这个账户了。我的理解对吗?我对第一年的门诊,医 疗等的支出没有多大的概念,保守一点估计的话,大家觉得每个月存多少比较合适呢? 想第一年保守一点,不想有钱在里面浪费了,等第二年有大概概念了在增加上去。我现 在的保险是BCBS的,怀孕以来自己没有付过一分,都是保险公司在付。但是生完之后估 计是要co-pay之类的。
HR messed up your W2 and gives you an W2(c) is one thing, while ask the HR to go through extra hurdles so you can save a couple of hundred is another. For LZ's case, it all depends on how far the HR is willing to go for her.