2 楼
If there is a Wholefood store in your area, you can probably find one that
suits you. It may or may not work for constipation. Sometimes, normal dose
can lead to too frequent pooping but sometimes, same amount produce no poop.
However, I do think it helps the digestion in general, not just
constipation. You'd better call your ped to ask for may alternative ways to
deal with constipation.
--from a father not mm.
【在 s******2 的大作中提到】
: 以前以为酸奶里包含益生菌,现在发现好像不是怎么回事!想麻烦版上的mm推荐款益生
: 菌!谢谢了!
: 益生菌是治便秘单的吗?
suits you. It may or may not work for constipation. Sometimes, normal dose
can lead to too frequent pooping but sometimes, same amount produce no poop.
However, I do think it helps the digestion in general, not just
constipation. You'd better call your ped to ask for may alternative ways to
deal with constipation.
--from a father not mm.
【在 s******2 的大作中提到】
: 以前以为酸奶里包含益生菌,现在发现好像不是怎么回事!想麻烦版上的mm推荐款益生
: 菌!谢谢了!
: 益生菌是治便秘单的吗?
3 楼
我们这里没有wholefood store!
thank you anyway
【在 l***n 的大作中提到】
: If there is a Wholefood store in your area, you can probably find one that
: suits you. It may or may not work for constipation. Sometimes, normal dose
: can lead to too frequent pooping but sometimes, same amount produce no poop.
: However, I do think it helps the digestion in general, not just
: constipation. You'd better call your ped to ask for may alternative ways to
: deal with constipation.
: --from a father not mm.
thank you anyway
【在 l***n 的大作中提到】
: If there is a Wholefood store in your area, you can probably find one that
: suits you. It may or may not work for constipation. Sometimes, normal dose
: can lead to too frequent pooping but sometimes, same amount produce no poop.
: However, I do think it helps the digestion in general, not just
: constipation. You'd better call your ped to ask for may alternative ways to
: deal with constipation.
: --from a father not mm.
4 楼
rice cereal有的会加益生菌。
5 楼
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