My daughter had exactly same problem. We took her doctor . Her doctor was shocked when saw her swollen eye. She got an antibiotic shot, and got well in a few days. I suggest you to take your child to see the doctor as soon as possible. Good luck!
5 楼
after bite的药膏稍微涂一些,千万别进眼睛里 多冰敷 我家宝宝去年也是这样,一只眼睛肿得跟馒头似的 药膏,冰敷之后,只能忍着了 过几天就好了 大大的祝福!
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : My daughter had exactly same problem. We took her doctor . Her doctor was : shocked when saw her swollen eye. She got an antibiotic shot, and got well : in a few days. I suggest you to take your child to see the doctor as soon as : possible. Good luck!