baby monitor# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝m*k2012-04-27 07:041 楼请大家推荐一款baby monitorMotorola Digital Video Baby Monitor with 2.8 Inch Color LCD Screen感觉上有点小贵, 评价也不是100%好。谢谢!
C*i2012-04-27 07:042 楼我觉得summer infant的就很好。【在 m*****k 的大作中提到】: 请大家推荐一款baby monitor: Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor with 2.8 Inch Color LCD Screen: 感觉上有点小贵, 评价也不是100%好。: 谢谢!
m*h2012-04-27 07:044 楼we bought this one, so far so good. but it is out of stock now.
m*k2012-04-27 07:045 楼Infant Optics 2.4ghz Digital Video Baby Monitor. 2.4" display rechargeableportable monitor. IR night vision. FHSS 100% privacy encryption. Voiceactivated power saving mode.有用过这款的吗?