For the 2nd baby, what should I prepare additionally?
For the 2nd baby, what should I prepare additionally?# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Sorry but can't type Chinese at work.
Have a boy, 2.5 years old. Now having a babygirl. What additional items
should I prepare besides clothing and toys?
1. Double stroller? We have a travel system from the 1st one with a single
stroller and a snap-in rear facing carseat. Should I get a double stroller
or let the baby use the travel system and buy the toddler another single
stroller? My parents live with us so we have enough hands to push two
single strollers (plus most of time the toddler wants to walk), but
occasionally when we go traveling/hiking or I take both kids out on my own,
we might need a double stroller. How do you think? Also ss there any
double stroller which can snap-in one car seat?
2. Another convertible car seat? Right now we have a rear-facing carseat (
come with the travel system) and a convertible car seat (one in my car and
another in my husband's car). Should I get anotehr converitble car seat so
my husband's car can have one to pick the toddler up sometimes?
What else should I prepare? Thank you very much in advance!