【 以下文字转载自 connie 俱乐部 】
发信人: WildOne (猪肚皮妈妈), 信区: connie
标 题: Please vote
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 13 12:35:02 2013, 美东)
Hi All,
My friend Melissa is disabled. She had an auto accident when she was 17.
Now she's 48 and adopted two boys. Her first son is 7 and the 2nd one is
only 3 months.
The only reason for her to enter into this contest is that she needs a new
van. There will be 3 winners and each gets a new van fitted to their own
needs. Milissa's old van is not working properly and with the new baby, she
will need more room.
Please see attached email she sent me and please help her when you get a
Here is the direct link for voting. You can vote once every 24 hrs from a
single computer. There is an extra mobility question you can try and answer
and if you get it correct then I get an extra vote for that day. Thanks
for helping.
Melisa Sween
Would you please vote? This takes less than one min and she could use the
help. Our town is really small and it is a national competition. Thanks!


【在 W*****e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 connie 俱乐部 】
: 发信人: WildOne (猪肚皮妈妈), 信区: connie
: 标 题: Please vote
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 13 12:35:02 2013, 美东)
: Hi All,
: My friend Melissa is disabled. She had an auto accident when she was 17.
: Now she's 48 and adopted two boys. Her first son is 7 and the 2nd one is
: only 3 months.
: The only reason for her to enter into this contest is that she needs a new
: van. There will be 3 winners and each gets a new van fitted to their own

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