2 楼
My father got only one-month stay when he tried to reenter US after four
months in China, so we had to extended his stay. This happened in IAD.
But my friend's parents got six-month stay when they tried to reenter US
with only 3 days left before visa expiration. This happened at JFK.
I picked up all of them.
Good luck to your parents.
months in China, so we had to extended his stay. This happened in IAD.
But my friend's parents got six-month stay when they tried to reenter US
with only 3 days left before visa expiration. This happened at JFK.
I picked up all of them.
Good luck to your parents.
3 楼
4 楼
父母延期的问题怎样能让爷爷奶奶相信给宝宝好的睡眠的重要性!Stroller:买Britax B-Ready Stroller 还是UPPAbaby Vista Stroller 好呢产后四个月还有出血是怎么回事?孕6周有褐色分泌物,求祝福BF马拉松stroller有deal吗 (转载)有怀孕的准宝妈家里有猫的吗?怎么买单反相机啊有多少姐妹月子里喝生化茶了?关于奶太多怎么减产的问题问问大家刚刚在JCP买了个玩具车有MM买过大箱(176片)huggies diaper里有玩具等礼物吗?大早上好心情全被破坏了!How can I make my money back, and win back case.有经验的妈妈们请帮忙回答几个关于probiotics和辅食的问题疫苗问题100天的宝宝能开始添加辅食么?2012年5月份预产期的姐妹们进来交流下15个月的娃娃咳嗽5天了请问triple paste可以一直用吗?