6 楼
Usually the little one is attched to either parent's plan as a dependent.
Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
7 楼
ok, thanks i will let her know
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Usually the little one is attched to either parent's plan as a dependent.
: Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
: the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
: insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
: though.
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Usually the little one is attched to either parent's plan as a dependent.
: Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
: the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
: insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
: though.
8 楼
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Usually the little one is attched to either parent's plan as a dependent.
: Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
: the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
: insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
: though.
【在 R*********i 的大作中提到】
: Usually the little one is attched to either parent's plan as a dependent.
: Mostly mother's plan will cover the first 30 days automatically and during
: the period you can decide which parent's plan to join and contact the
: insurance. Better to call the insurance company in advance to make sure
: though.
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