Dr. Adib N. Khouzami in Johnstown, PA. I did mine at his clinic. He is an expertise in doing this and is very prestigious. Plus, he is very nice. Good luck!
3 楼
Thanks for MM's reply. It's a little too far for me to go to Johnstown, PA. But thanks for the recommendation anyway! I might just go to NYC for it since my husband lives there. I heard Mark Evans is a big shot in this area too.
【在 c********n 的大作中提到】 : Dr. Adib N. Khouzami in Johnstown, PA. I did mine at his clinic. He is an : expertise in doing this and is very prestigious. Plus, he is very nice. Good : luck!
4 楼
if you can come to Rockville, The doctor my wife used is pretty experienced. He told us he had done thousands water test before.
5 楼
Mark Evans绝对大牛。不过他不收保险,需要你自己拿收据去报销。查一下你的保险, 看out-of-network付多少,再算算你自负是多少。
PA. it area
【在 m**********a 的大作中提到】 : Thanks for MM's reply. It's a little too far for me to go to Johnstown, PA. : But thanks for the recommendation anyway! I might just go to NYC for it : since my husband lives there. I heard Mark Evans is a big shot in this area : too. : : Good
6 楼
Do you know what the doctor's name? Thanks!
【在 n****e 的大作中提到】 : if you can come to Rockville, The doctor my wife used is pretty experienced. : He told us he had done thousands water test before.
7 楼
Thanks for the useful info!
【在 m**u 的大作中提到】 : Mark Evans绝对大牛。不过他不收保险,需要你自己拿收据去报销。查一下你的保险, : 看out-of-network付多少,再算算你自负是多少。 : : PA. : it : area