有人买两份保险吗?# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
明年生娃。自己一直用的公司的high deductible + health saving account. lg准备
明年把我加进他公司的high deductible保险(不是同一保险公司)。如果我还保留自
的family HSA付我的医疗帐单吗?不知道有没有税务上的问题
为啥要买两份呢?而且两份都是HD。 You need to inform both insurers that
you have two policies and they will set up a "coordination of benefits"
arrangement between themselves. That is, your primary insurer (i.e., your
own employer-sponsored policy) will pay first, and your secondary will pay
second in case your primary payer does not cover certain services. But my
understanding is that you will be subject to both deductibles because
insurers only pay according to their own policy.
If you don't inform your insurers that you have two polices, once they find
out (no matter through what channel), you run the risk of being denied
coverage from both insurers.
You should be able to your your husband's family HSA to pay for you bill.
But call the HSA benefit company to confirm.
In term of taxes, you just get deduct the HSA amount from your pre-tax
income if you file jointly. Am not sure what needs to be done in case you
file separately.

Anyway, I don't see any reason why you'd want to have two different insurers
unless they have different networks and you want to access both or they
cover different services.

【在 p****e 的大作中提到】
: 明年生娃。自己一直用的公司的high deductible + health saving account. lg准备
: 明年把我加进他公司的high deductible保险(不是同一保险公司)。如果我还保留自
: 己的保险,两份的deductible怎么算?我如果只跟医院登记我自己的保险号,可以用他
: 的family HSA付我的医疗帐单吗?不知道有没有税务上的问题



【在 m**********a 的大作中提到】
: 为啥要买两份呢?而且两份都是HD。 You need to inform both insurers that
: you have two policies and they will set up a "coordination of benefits"
: arrangement between themselves. That is, your primary insurer (i.e., your
: own employer-sponsored policy) will pay first, and your secondary will pay
: second in case your primary payer does not cover certain services. But my
: understanding is that you will be subject to both deductibles because
: insurers only pay according to their own policy.
: If you don't inform your insurers that you have two polices, once they find
: out (no matter through what channel), you run the risk of being denied
: coverage from both insurers.

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