美国小学四年级学生的作文# Parenting - 为人父母
刚看到 vn 那篇有关美国教育的帖子,谈到小学生作文。我一时心血来潮,就把扁豆的
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4th Grader's Writing Prompt
Fictional Narrative “The Creature”
Writing Situation: Imagine you are walking down the hall at your school, and
you hear a strange noise coming from the classroom, when you go inside, you
discover that the strange noise is coming from an odd creature sitting at
your desk.
The Creature
By James (2008)
“Oh darn, I’m going to be late!” I thought while I hurried up the stairs.
After putting down my backpack in the hallway, I noticed something odd had
happened right in front of my eyes. The classroom seemed to be streaming
light out of the window! Just as quickly as it had started, the light coming
from the window subsided. I quietly opened the door. Strangely, nobody was
inside except for something that was on my desk . . .
I looked at the thing more closely. It was green and had small, little horns
and tiny wings like a bat’s. It also had a short snout and a very long
tail. It was so small that it could fit in my hand. I thought it couldn’t
get any funnier until it started walking and talking.
“Hello, I’m Ona. What’s your name?” said the thing.
“Oh, so it’s electronic,” I thought.
“What is your name?” Ona said, beginning to become impatient.
“James,” I replied absent-mindedly, still wondering if this thing had
batteries or not.
“Come on, follow me!” Ona demanded, zooming out of the room. I followed
her, yelling, “Wait up, Ona!”
She stopped at a meadow, with strange flowers that I’ve never seen before,
and whose aroma smelled wonderful. Also, there was a cottage, which, from
the outside, looked like it was made of wood. Ona went inside, and I did,
too, wondering what was going to happen next.
Inside, next to a fireplace sat an old lady wearing a faded purple dress.
Ona flew back to me and said, “She is a person I know who’ll take you
back to your own world.”
“You’ll come with me, won’t you, Ona?” I asked.
“I’d love to. But don’t expect me to be like this all the time when your
mom is there.” Ona replied rather quickly with a wink.
“Come.” The old lady rasped as she went into a small opening between two
huge bookshelves. After I went through and walked down a corridor, I saw a
watery statue as big as and in the shape of an elephant standing in the
middle of a garden. The lady started muttering some incomprehensible words,
the statue shone red, and my eyes were blinded.
When the strong light dimmed, I looked around and suddenly became aware that
I was back to my room at home. Ona turned into a stuffed animal as my mom
came in.
“Did you have a fun time at school today?” She asked.
I looked at Ona, who almost chuckled, and happily replied: “Yeah!”
Then I rushed down the stairs to get some food for Ona, and possibly, some
toys for her as well.
If this writing were graded by a Chines teacher, it would have been given a
D since it did not follow the prompt word by word.