[参加活动] 索蔡T*# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
Zeiss镜头盖底下的是小弟16-80/3.5-4.5 DT,已经和A700一起出掉了。
这张是135/1.8出的St Patrick's Day Tap Dance
Taken from http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/215494
Starting with a T* coating definition
Carl Zeiss T* anti-reflection coatings ensure the virtual elimination of
unwanted reflections inside the lens. This means that only image-forming
light reaches the image plane of the camera. Your photographs will have
greater impact due to higher contrast, deeper color saturation, more shadow
detail and cleaner, crisper colors.
Each of the seven layers of the T* anti-reflection coating is optimized for
a portion of the total bandwidth of white light and together the seven
layers cover the entire visible spectrum. The thickness of each coating
layer is 1/4 wavelength of the frequency of light that the layer is
dedicated to. Light is phase shifted 1/4 wavelength as it passes through the
coating the first time. If the photon is reflected, it passes through the
anti-reflection coating again and as it passes, it is phase shifted again 1/
4 wavelength. Now, the reflected photon is 180 degrees out of phase and it
is annihilated.
Carl Zeiss invented anti-reflection coatings and their continued dedication
to the elimination of internal reflections is complete. T* optical coating
represents the most advanced optical technology available. It is so good you
can see the difference. And T* coatings are only available on Carl Zeiss
A little more history on the T* and their function
What is the definition of “T*” as it is used in Carl Zeiss T* Lens?
T* is the symbol Carl Zeiss chooses to use for its lens element coating
technology. The coatings serve two purposes. First, the coatings reduce
reflections from the internal lens element surfaces. The reduction in
reflections increases the transmission of light through the lens thereby
reducing internal flare. Carl Zeiss claims that their transmission standards
are unsurpassed.
Second, the coatings are used to maintain a constant chromatic transmission
between different Carl Zeiss lenses. Carl Zeiss claims they are the only
lens manufacturer to do this. A constant chromatic transmission insures that
the color spectrum produced by the CZ G 28-mm. lens, for example, is the
same as those produced by any other CZ G lens. For that matter, the color
spectrum is the same chromatic spectrum as that produced by any other CZ
lens irrespective of lens mount or number of lens elements. No other lens
manufacturer claims such a result.
The T* coatings are formulated in Germany taking into consideration the
specific glass composition types used in each lens element of a particular
lens. The coatings are then shipped to the lens manufacturing operations
where they are applied only to the specified glass composition elements for
that particular lens. Production examples of the assembled lenses are tested
to verify the results of the coatings.

【在 a***n 的大作中提到】
: 第一张是索蔡合影。
: 能看到酒红色T*镀膜的是索蔡2470/85/135。这几只镜子也是使用频率最高的。
: Zeiss镜头盖底下的是小弟16-80/3.5-4.5 DT,已经和A700一起出掉了。
: 这张是最丧心病狂时期的全家福,三只索蔡也在其中:
: 这张是135/1.8出的St Patrick's Day Tap Dance
: *****
: 懒人一头,从FM抄了一段T*历史过来
: Taken from http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/215494
: Starting with a T* coating definition
: Carl Zeiss T* anti-reflection coatings ensure the virtual elimination of


【在 X*U 的大作中提到】
: 2张,2张
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