已经给一家独立媒体写信建议播报JK事件了。 (转载)
已经给一家独立媒体写信建议播报JK事件了。 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来), 信区: Military
标 题: 已经给一家独立媒体写信建议播报JK事件了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 24 14:53:28 2013, 美东)
democracy now,比较偏左。写了封长信,给他们一个story suggestion,希望他们能
Dear Ms Goodman and DN! Staff,
My name is XXXX and I have been a viewer of your shows for over 6 years.
Democracy Now! is one of my favorite news media. I am very happy that I had
supported your program, introduced to my friends and colleagues, and I will
continue doing so.
I am writing to you to suggest the possibility to report on the incitement
of mass killing and hate speech on a national TV show utilizing 6-8 year old
children, and its connection to a series of events of deadly violence in
schools. In the Oct 16 Jimmy Kimmel Live, the kids table section, the host
raised the question to four children how to solve the 1.3 trillion dollar
national debt held by China. One of the children brought up the idea of “
kill everyone in China”, which was then commented as “interesting” by the
host. Later, the host followed up this idea by asking “Should we allow the
Chinese to live” to the kids, and lead another round of discussion what
happens when all Chinese are killed. Right after the Kimmel’s show, deadly
school violence had shocked the media and people twice during the past week,
both towards middle school math teachers in almost identical pattern just a
couple of days away from each other. One of the incidents had been reported
on Tuesday’s DN! show.
There is probably little direct causal relation between Jimmy Kimmel’s show
and the two school killing cases. But the timing brings up the underlying
connection between the messages delivered by our media, and how the kids and
their parents approach to problems, from stress in school to national debt.
When mass killing is just a joke to our children, how are we supposed to
teach them what “wrong” is?
In particular, Kimmel’s show alone raises the issue of inciting hatred
towards ethnic groups and promoting violence. I as a Chinese, along with
many other Chinese Americans and Chinese citizen in the US feel shocked,
insulted and threatened. Mass killing in any country is a gross violation of
human right instead of a joke. Nobody in our modern society gets the
position to decide whether civilians are allowed to live or not. Kimmel’s
show is an unacceptable shame of the mass media and a disgrace of the value
of equality in this nation.
The Chinese community has responded by petitioning the White House to
investigate into this issue, and had collected nearly thirty thousand
signatures. The Chinese communities are organizing demonstrations to seek
public support to prevent hate speech and promoting violence on the media.
I am glad that DN! is open to story suggestions. I sincerely hope you will
consider my suggestions and help spread the message to broader views and
audiences. Thank you very much for your time, and I deeply appreciate your
efforts in airing your past shows. They are great!