EB2还是EB3的选择题,求助# EB23 - 劳工卡
反对 PARCC考试的大潮——PARCC Refusal Campaign
High school students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, have organized a
student union, called the Blono Student Union, to oppose PARCC. it is called
the Blono Student Union.
Students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, Join to Oppose PARCC Tests
Refusing the PARCC
An effective way to resist standardized testing is to simply not participate
in it; refusing state tests is a common, legal strategy used all over the
nation. Students and parents around the country are becoming more and more
fed up with the excessive testing in our public schools, causing a massive
opt-out/refusal movement.
Illinois State Board of Education does not explicitly recognize opt-outs;
however, students have the right to refuse to take state tests in Illinois.
Parents are encouraged to notify the principal and superintendent in writing
that their child will be refusing. To send a notice of refusal for your
child, see our letter template here --
To refuse, students have to simply decline participation on testing day and
work on something else instead of taking the PARCC. Students can also make a
card that reads, "I refuse to participate in PARCC. The school should code
my test as reason 15 for not testing (refusal)." They can then present this
to their teacher.
Illinois State Board of Education recognizes that students may refuse
testing. Refusing will have no negative academic consequences for students,
and despite what ISBE says, will not result in loss of funding. See our full
explanation of refusal rights and implications here --
What Is The PARCC Test?
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
test is the new Common Core standardized test that will be used for state
level accountability measures. This test will replace the ISAT for
elementary schools and PSAE for high schools. This year (spring 2015) is the
first time the PARCC is being administered. In Unit 5, the PARCC will be
administered to students in grades 3-8 and high school students that are
enrolled in English II and Geometry. PARCC is expected to take up just under
double the amount of time the ISAT and PSAE assessments took respectively.
See full testing times here -- Testing dates will be sometime between March 9 to April 3, 2015 and April 27 to May 22, 2015.
In future years, the PARCC is intended to be a state graduation requirement
for 11 graders and is intended to be available to use for college entrance,
in addition to being administered in elementary/junior high. These policies
are not in place yet. 2015 is a baseline year, so the PARCC will have no
consequences for schools or students.
Why Are We Against It?
Since No Child Left Behind was passed, testing in schools has become
overused and overemphasized. Excessive testing takes away from classroom
time for authentic teaching and learning. Especially in elementary schools,
test preparation takes even more away from instructional time. This leads to
loss of curiosity and creativity. Emphasis on these tests also leads to a
narrowed curriculum, taking focus away from untested subjects.
We reject the use of test scores to dictate the success of schools, students
, and teachers. This only induces competition between schools through the
means of a less rigorous learning experience for students. These scores are
not representative of a student's growth, as they only test a narrow set of
skills. Also, some students get anxiety upon taking these tests, and some
students are just better test takers. Standardized testing primarily
measures a district's socio-economic characteristics; wealthier districts,
with access to more resources, score higher on tests. Attaching high stakes
to these tests only perpetuates inequity.
PARCC has shown to be poorly designed and developmentally inappropriate for
each grade level. Also, administration of the PARCC is extremely costly. [ ]With the abundant amount of technology needed, some districts in Illinois are struggling to finance the administration of the PARCC. A week of PARCC testing means a prolonged use of schools' resources; computer labs will be closed off for testing and not available to any student that needs to use them, which is especially problematic in the high schools. And since the test is highly dependent on computer skills, some students are left at a disadvantage.
More reliable and effective forms of alternative, performance-based
assessment are available. Proponents claim that the PARCC allows to compare
students around the nation; however, fourteen out of twenty-five states have
already dropped the PARCC in the past year.
To read more about the flaws with the PARCC, click here -
Other Resistances to the PARCC
Parents and students around the country are refusing testing in record
numbers. Specifically, people are taking action against the PARCC more than
ever. There are only ten states left that are administering the PARCC; among
them are increasingly large refusal/opt-out movements --
There is already widespread opposition to the PARCC in Illinois; Chicago
public school district has expressed concern with administering the PARCC, [ ] over 40 superintendents in Illinois [ ]urged the state to delay administration of the PARCC, and one superintendent in Illinois even wrote a warning letter [ ] to parents and community members about the PARCC . Meanwhile, Chicago parents and students are actively organizing to refuse the PARCC. If more communities in Illinois organize together and speak up, we will not be ignored.
By uniting in opposition locally, we can add our voice to a nation full of
teachers boycotting tests, parents opting their kids out, and students
walking out of tests. We are in the midst of a wave of resistance to
standardized testing in order to reclaim our public schools. Join the
movement. Refuse the PARCC.
Refusal Rights
Students have the right to refuse state tests. Illinois State Board of
Education acknowledges that students may refuse to participate in testing.
ISBE provides a list of "reasons for not testing" [ ]for districts to use when stating why a student has not taken a state-required test (medically exempt, homebound, in jail, etc.) Code 15 on this list is refusal. It is state mandated that districts administer the PARCC, but there is no legal way that a school can force a student to test. For younger students and students with special needs, parents can notify the school of their child's refusal to ensure that the student will be treated fairly and not compelled to test after refusal. [ ]
The district will not lose funding if a large amount of students refuse to
test. This is a baseline year [ ] for PARCC testing (meaning the data will just be used to establish cut scores since this is the first year it is being administered), so ISBE has stated that there will be no consequences for schools or students this year. There will also be no federal penalties since students that refuse to test will be marked by code 15 of reasons for not testing; code 15 does not count against the school's adequate yearly progress participation rate. No Child Left Behind requires that schools test 95% of their students in order to make adequate yearly process; however, Illinois is one of the forty one states that has a waiver [ ] from the US Department of Education that eliminates sanctions brought to schools that don't make adequate yearly progress. There is also no federal or state law that requires penalties for schools or districts if parents/students opt out or refuse the test.
No student will be penalized for refusing to test. Students cannot be
penalized for exercising their refusal rights. There is no basis for any
state agent to take any action against parents' and students' explicit
refusal, and/or take any action that causes the student emotional,
psychological, and/or physical harm against their refusal. Also, there are
no academic consequences for refusing. PARCC has no effect on students'
grades, and it is not a state graduation requirement for high school
students this year. Again, this is a baseline year, so there will be no
consequences for students.
Send a Notice of Refusal
Notice of Refusal
Your Name:
Your Email:
Child's Name:
Child's School:

Dear Principal,
My child, [CHILD'S NAME], will be refusing to participate in PARCC testing
this spring. I am fully aware of my child's right to refuse state testing,
and as my minor child's legal representative, I am informing you that he/she
will not be taking the PARCC this March and May.
I expect my child to be treated with kindness and respect upon this decision
, and be allowed a meaningful learning opportunity, or be able to read or do
other work as other students test. No state agent should harass, intimidate
, or attempt to force my child to test after he/she has respectfully refused.
Please respect this decision and have your staff treat my child
appropriately upon this notice of my child's refusal.
The school should code my child's test as "Reason 15 for not testing" (
refusal) so that this refusal will not count against the school.
Thank you for your support,
EB2 Perm刚过,PD是2015/7,现在正要递交I-140,但目前EB3排期大跃进到了2015/5,
1. I-140 PP for EB2 先把EB2的PD确定下来,如果EB3排期到了再交一次I-140,同时
2. 等EB3排期到了,直接file I-140 and 485 together,这样貌似PD就是EB3的了吧?

【在 m*********s 的大作中提到】
: EB2 Perm刚过,PD是2015/7,现在正要递交I-140,但目前EB3排期大跃进到了2015/5,
: 所以犹豫要不要降级,下面2条方案还想请有经验的指点一下。
: 1. I-140 PP for EB2 先把EB2的PD确定下来,如果EB3排期到了再交一次I-140,同时
: 递交485。这样不影响EB2排期,但不清楚有没有这个必要?
: 2. 等EB3排期到了,直接file I-140 and 485 together,这样貌似PD就是EB3的了吧?
: 和EB2排期无关了是么?这么做有风险么?
: 求指点,多谢!


【在 J*******p 的大作中提到】
: 唉,这帮学生和家长该去中国的学校见识见识,考这点试就叫唤?
先走EB2 PP拿到PD,然后交个EB3,如果排期到了再PP
一次是 PBA Performance Based Assessment
一次是 EOYEnd of Year
下周一到三我就要做 PBA 的 test administrator

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: 中国只有中考吧,pacc是一年一考
反对 PARCC考试的大潮——PARCC Refusal Campaign
High school students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, have organized a
student union, called the Blono Student Union, to oppose PARCC. it is called
the Blono Student Union.
Students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, Join to Oppose PARCC Tests
Refusing the PARCC
An effective way to resist standardized testing is to simply not participate
in it; refusing state tests is a common, legal strategy used all over the
nation. Students and parents around the country are becoming more and more
fed up with the excessive testing in our public schools, causing a massive
opt-out/refusal movement.
Illinois State Board of Education does not explicitly recognize opt-outs;
however, students have the right to refuse to take state tests in Illinois.
Parents are encouraged to notify the principal and superintendent in writing
that their child will be refusing. To send a notice of refusal for your
child, see our letter template here --
To refuse, students have to simply decline participation on testing day and
work on something else instead of taking the PARCC. Students can also make a
card that reads, "I refuse to participate in PARCC. The school should code
my test as reason 15 for not testing (refusal)." They can then present this
to their teacher.
Illinois State Board of Education recognizes that students may refuse
testing. Refusing will have no negative academic consequences for students,
and despite what ISBE says, will not result in loss of funding. See our full
explanation of refusal rights and implications here --
What Is The PARCC Test?
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
test is the new Common Core standardized test that will be used for state
level accountability measures. This test will replace the ISAT for
elementary schools and PSAE for high schools. This year (spring 2015) is the
first time the PARCC is being administered. In Unit 5, the PARCC will be
administered to students in grades 3-8 and high school students that are
enrolled in English II and Geometry. PARCC is expected to take up just under
double the amount of time the ISAT and PSAE assessments took respectively.
See full testing times here -- Testing dates will be sometime between March 9 to April 3, 2015 and April 27 to May 22, 2015.
In future years, the PARCC is intended to be a state graduation requirement
for 11 graders and is intended to be available to use for college entrance,
in addition to being administered in elementary/junior high. These policies
are not in place yet. 2015 is a baseline year, so the PARCC will have no
consequences for schools or students.
Why Are We Against It?
Since No Child Left Behind was passed, testing in schools has become
overused and overemphasized. Excessive testing takes away from classroom
time for authentic teaching and learning. Especially in elementary schools,
test preparation takes even more away from instructional time. This leads to
loss of curiosity and creativity. Emphasis on these tests also leads to a
narrowed curriculum, taking focus away from untested subjects.
We reject the use of test scores to dictate the success of schools, students
, and teachers. This only induces competition between schools through the
means of a less rigorous learning experience for students. These scores are
not representative of a student's growth, as they only test a narrow set of
skills. Also, some students get anxiety upon taking these tests, and some
students are just better test takers. Standardized testing primarily
measures a district's socio-economic characteristics; wealthier districts,
with access to more resources, score higher on tests. Attaching high stakes
to these tests only perpetuates inequity.
PARCC has shown to be poorly designed and developmentally inappropriate for
each grade level. Also, administration of the PARCC is extremely costly. [ ]With the abundant amount of technology needed, some districts in Illinois are struggling to finance the administration of the PARCC. A week of PARCC testing means a prolonged use of schools' resources; computer labs will be closed off for testing and not available to any student that needs to use them, which is especially problematic in the high schools. And since the test is highly dependent on computer skills, some students are left at a disadvantage.
More reliable and effective forms of alternative, performance-based
assessment are available. Proponents claim that the PARCC allows to compare
students around the nation; however, fourteen out of twenty-five states have
already dropped the PARCC in the past year.
To read more about the flaws with the PARCC, click here -
Other Resistances to the PARCC
Parents and students around the country are refusing testing in record
numbers. Specifically, people are taking action against the PARCC more than
ever. There are only ten states left that are administering the PARCC; among
them are increasingly large refusal/opt-out movements --
There is already widespread opposition to the PARCC in Illinois; Chicago
public school district has expressed concern with administering the PARCC, [ ] over 40 superintendents in Illinois [ ]urged the state to delay administration of the PARCC, and one superintendent in Illinois even wrote a warning letter [ ] to parents and community members about the PARCC . Meanwhile, Chicago parents and students are actively organizing to refuse the PARCC. If more communities in Illinois organize together and speak up, we will not be ignored.
By uniting in opposition locally, we can add our voice to a nation full of
teachers boycotting tests, parents opting their kids out, and students
walking out of tests. We are in the midst of a wave of resistance to
standardized testing in order to reclaim our public schools. Join the
movement. Refuse the PARCC.
Refusal Rights
Students have the right to refuse state tests. Illinois State Board of
Education acknowledges that students may refuse to participate in testing.
ISBE provides a list of "reasons for not testing" [ ]for districts to use when stating why a student has not taken a state-required test (medically exempt, homebound, in jail, etc.) Code 15 on this list is refusal. It is state mandated that districts administer the PARCC, but there is no legal way that a school can force a student to test. For younger students and students with special needs, parents can notify the school of their child's refusal to ensure that the student will be treated fairly and not compelled to test after refusal. [ ]
The district will not lose funding if a large amount of students refuse to
test. This is a baseline year [ ] for PARCC testing (meaning the data will just be used to establish cut scores since this is the first year it is being administered), so ISBE has stated that there will be no consequences for schools or students this year. There will also be no federal penalties since students that refuse to test will be marked by code 15 of reasons for not testing; code 15 does not count against the school's adequate yearly progress participation rate. No Child Left Behind requires that schools test 95% of their students in order to make adequate yearly process; however, Illinois is one of the forty one states that has a waiver [ ] from the US Department of Education that eliminates sanctions brought to schools that don't make adequate yearly progress. There is also no federal or state law that requires penalties for schools or districts if parents/students opt out or refuse the test.
No student will be penalized for refusing to test. Students cannot be
penalized for exercising their refusal rights. There is no basis for any
state agent to take any action against parents' and students' explicit
refusal, and/or take any action that causes the student emotional,
psychological, and/or physical harm against their refusal. Also, there are
no academic consequences for refusing. PARCC has no effect on students'
grades, and it is not a state graduation requirement for high school
students this year. Again, this is a baseline year, so there will be no
consequences for students.
Send a Notice of Refusal
Notice of Refusal
Your Name:
Your Email:
Child's Name:
Child's School:

Dear Principal,
My child, [CHILD'S NAME], will be refusing to participate in PARCC testing
this spring. I am fully aware of my child's right to refuse state testing,
and as my minor child's legal representative, I am informing you that he/she
will not be taking the PARCC this March and May.
I expect my child to be treated with kindness and respect upon this decision
, and be allowed a meaningful learning opportunity, or be able to read or do
other work as other students test. No state agent should harass, intimidate
, or attempt to force my child to test after he/she has respectfully refused.
Please respect this decision and have your staff treat my child
appropriately upon this notice of my child's refusal.
The school should code my child's test as "Reason 15 for not testing" (
refusal) so that this refusal will not count against the school.
Thank you for your support,

【在 J*******p 的大作中提到】
: 唉,这帮学生和家长该去中国的学校见识见识,考这点试就叫唤?
一次是 PBA Performance Based Assessment
一次是 EOYEnd of Year
下周一到三我就要做 PBA 的 test administrator

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: 中国只有中考吧,pacc是一年一考
也发现了 PARCC 6 年级数学考试样题里面两个不妥的地方
估计全美国反 PARCC的机构都等着我这样的一针见血的证据呢

【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: 不要乱说,PARCC可不是一年一考
: 一次是 PBA Performance Based Assessment
: 一次是 EOYEnd of Year
: 下周一到三我就要做 PBA 的 test administrator


【在 J*******p 的大作中提到】
: 唉,这帮学生和家长该去中国的学校见识见识,考这点试就叫唤?


【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: 反对 PARCC考试的大潮——PARCC Refusal Campaign
: High school students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, have organized a
: student union, called the Blono Student Union, to oppose PARCC. it is called
: the Blono Student Union.
: Students in Bloomington and Normal, Illinois, Join to Oppose PARCC Tests
: Refusing the PARCC
: An effective way to resist standardized testing is to simply not participate
: in it; refusing state tests is a common, legal strategy used all over the
: nation. Students and parents around the country are becoming more and more
: fed up with the excessive testing in our public schools, causing a massive


【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: 反对考试的,不如反对上学算了。上什么学。
: called
: participate


【在 m**k 的大作中提到】
: 反对的主要是老师吧
: 老师不希望用考试评定老师。。。
