PhD in Engineering Education
PhD in Engineering Education# Engineering - 工程
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Graduate Research Assistantships Available for
(Starting in January 2012)
PhD in Engineering Education
Utah State University (Utah, USA)
Engineering Education -- a new emerging discipline -- grows rapidly
in recent years in parallel to traditional engineering disciplines such as
mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering. In the College of Engineering
at Utah State University, a top 4% Research Extensive University in the U.S., a brand new PhD in Engineering Education program was recently created. The graduate students come with various engineering background but sharing a common interest in Research in Engineering Education, such as studying how students learn engineering and how various new instructional strategies (such as computer simulation and multimedia) can help students better learn engineering.
What benefits will you have?
• Full, Competitive Graduate Research Assistantship
• Tuition Waiver & Health Insurance
• A PhD in Engineering Education degree in as soon as 3 years
Job markets after graduation, among others,
• University/college faculty member
• University/college/school administrator
• Government/company/organization education officer
Are you the right person we are looking for?
I am looking for university students, or university teachers, or engineers
who have interest in engineering education research and who
• Have a master’s degree in an engineering discipline (preferred
in mechanical or civil engineering, but other engineering disciplines will
also be considered) by August 2011; Or: have a BS degree in an engineering
discipline and an MS degree in any other discipline by August 2011.
• Meet the English requirements: GRE: minimum 40th percentile on
the verbal, quantitative, and writing tests. You MUST have GRE scores
included in your application package. No exception.
• The GPA (or equivalent) should be a 3.0 (out of 4.0) or higher on
the last 60 semester or 90 quarter credits.
• Teaching experience and publication are preferred but not
Here is how you can apply for graduate admission
Your application package generally includes, among others, GRE and TOEFL
scores, a completed application form, official BS and MS transcripts, three
recommendation letters (Recommender names and e-mail addresses are required
on the online application), the current curriculum vita that highlights the
applicant’s qualification and achievements, and a typed, double-spaced
writing sample of two to three pages that describe the applicant’s
particular academic interests, career goals, work and study experience, and
the submission of a current curriculum vita, etc. For the detailed
application procedure and deadline, please refer to
If you have interest or questions, please contact me at:
Professor Ning Fang at Utah State University: n*******[email protected]