德克萨斯大学招收机械/材料类全奖博士生# Engineering - 工程
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校机械系戴贤明教授课题组 (8月入职,参考simondai.weebly.
com) 全奖招收博士生。专业不限,机械、能源动力、电子、材料、化学、生物相关专
业都可考虑。具体方向为: (1) 热能利用, 传热传质或电池的热管理; (2) 超疏水/超
亲水表面微纳米加工或电化学合成; (3) 生物检测,生物传热或其它与生物工程相关的
Multiple PhD positions in Mechanical Engineering with full financial support
are available starting from Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 in Prof. Xianming Dai'
s group ( at The University of Texas, Dallas. The
Department of Mechanical Engineering is in a fast growth, with 5 faculty
hiring every year. The whole College of Engineering will expand
significantly due to the State’s economic prosperity. The goal of UT-Dallas
is to become top 50 in the United Sates. Detailed position descriptions are
shown below:
(1) Heat transfer, thermal energy or thermal management of batteries.
We work on thermal energy and heat transfer to solve the energy and water
issues in our society. Full supported students with interests in
condensation, capillary evaporation, flow boiling or thermal management of
batteries are strongly encouraged to apply. These positions are mostly
experiments. We are going to explore a lot of new sciences and applications
in these areas. Previous experiences in phase change heat transfer, complex
fluids and microfluidics will be very helpful.
To apply, please send your CV, PS, transcripts, TOEFL, GRE, and everything
that you believe will help your application in a single PDF to Dr. Dai (
[email protected]/* */) with the email title “PhD application + energy + your
institute”. To save you time, I will contact you after a quick evaluation
and help you submit a formal application.
(2) Micro/nanofabrication or materials synthesis for superhydrophobic
surfaces, energy or biosensor.
No major requirement for this position. Motivated students related to
science and engineering in any major can apply.
We learn from nature and create new materials for energy applications. Fully
supported candidates in this position will fabricate or synthesize micro/
nano materials for liquid repellency, batteries, bio-detection, heat
transfer or fluid dynamics applications. Previous experiences related to
bioinspired materials, micro/nano fabrication in the clean room, advanced
manufacture, electrochemical deposition, chemical vapor deposition or other
materials synthesis will be very helpful.
To apply, please send your CV, PS, transcripts, TOEFL, GRE, and everything
that you believe will help your application in a single PDF to Prof. Dai (
[email protected]/* */) with the email title “PhD application + Materials +
your institute”. To save you time, I will contact you after a quick
evaluation and help you submit a formal application.
(3) Bio-sensor, bio-heat transfer, or other areas in biomedical engineering
/ bioengineering. UT-Dallas has a very strong program in bioengineering,
which is in collaboration with the prominent University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center. Please send your CV to Dr. Dai ([email protected]/* */
.com) with the email title “PhD application + bioengineering + your
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is among the fastest growing
programs at UT Dallas. A new building for Mechanical Engineering is under
construction and will be ready within two years. The department will
continue to hire 5 faculty every year. The Texas government is trying to
build UT Dallas as another top 50 university. Even though the Mechanical
Engineering is a new department at UT Dallas, but the ranking is rising very
fast every year. It will continue to rise in future with the continuous
faculty hiring.
(1) UT Dallas is classified as a R1 Research University (Highest research
activity) in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education
(2) Texas wants to elevate the higher education colleges and universities to
be ranked number 1 in the United States:
(3) Texas Silicon Valey.
(4) A lot of companies move to Dallas (e.g. Toyota North America, IBM,