the weather and temperature vary from year to year
Yosemite might get some new snow this week
Always check weather forecast and call ranger station for acurate informatio
I don't think I'm in charge of anything like car and snowchain.
But I don't have snow boots for hiking though. Last time I went with tennis
【在 T*********e 的大作中提到】 : Carrying snowchain is a must
11 楼
last time there even with a snow chain going at 20mph straight, my car manag
ed to spin 90 degrees after hitting some black ice at night
【在 T*********e 的大作中提到】 : Carrying snowchain is a must
12 楼
you might want to get some waterproof hiking shoes like northface or somethi
ng, and snow pants and jacket if possible.
【在 p*******w 的大作中提到】 : I don't think I'm in charge of anything like car and snowchain. : But I don't have snow boots for hiking though. Last time I went with tennis : shoes.......|o|
13 楼
Once I went skiing with friends at Mt. Hood. My friend's car didn't have
snowchain either. And we got into storm too. On our way back he just simply
let his car slide.
【在 d**i 的大作中提到】 : last time there even with a snow chain going at 20mph straight, my car manag : ed to spin 90 degrees after hitting some black ice at night