2 楼
链接里是关于建议USCIS 弱化SOC code的作用 多考虑combined job在现实生活中的意
义。 请大家帮忙发comments给USCIS.如果你有可以证明soc code局限性或者要求USCIS
job 范围的例子也可以联系我。 越多亲朋好友 stake holder发邮件给uscis, 越有可
能改变final rule的definition。
另外请大家注意similar job的definition 不仅仅和AC21有关,任何485 pending准备
义。 请大家帮忙发comments给USCIS.如果你有可以证明soc code局限性或者要求USCIS
job 范围的例子也可以联系我。 越多亲朋好友 stake holder发邮件给uscis, 越有可
能改变final rule的definition。
另外请大家注意similar job的definition 不仅仅和AC21有关,任何485 pending准备
3 楼
4 楼
Online 算的
5 楼
【在 X**J 的大作中提到】
: 链接里是关于建议USCIS 弱化SOC code的作用 多考虑combined job在现实生活中的意
: 义。 请大家帮忙发comments给USCIS.如果你有可以证明soc code局限性或者要求USCIS
: 扩大similar
: job 范围的例子也可以联系我。 越多亲朋好友 stake holder发邮件给uscis, 越有可
: 能改变final rule的definition。
: 另外请大家注意similar job的definition 不仅仅和AC21有关,任何485 pending准备
: 换工作的都是stakeholder.
: 谢谢大家!
: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SytuWm_qG2RpZKh-
: aaao3u0pnelaO7Vc7nKikj5HNZw/edit?usp=sharing
【在 X**J 的大作中提到】
: 链接里是关于建议USCIS 弱化SOC code的作用 多考虑combined job在现实生活中的意
: 义。 请大家帮忙发comments给USCIS.如果你有可以证明soc code局限性或者要求USCIS
: 扩大similar
: job 范围的例子也可以联系我。 越多亲朋好友 stake holder发邮件给uscis, 越有可
: 能改变final rule的definition。
: 另外请大家注意similar job的definition 不仅仅和AC21有关,任何485 pending准备
: 换工作的都是stakeholder.
: 谢谢大家!
: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SytuWm_qG2RpZKh-
: aaao3u0pnelaO7Vc7nKikj5HNZw/edit?usp=sharing
8 楼
9 楼
BTW,DHS主页上面写这个和i140 EAD直接挂钩的,不管准备职业移民绿卡和已经在路上
Improvements to Employment-Based Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Programs: DHS
will propose, through a rulemaking, to allow certain beneficiaries of
approved Immigrant Petitions for Alien Worker (Form I-140) to obtain general
work authorization. We will also propose to implement through regulation
various provisions of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first
Century Act of 2000 (AC21) and thereby clarify long-standing USCIS policy
with respect to AC21. In doing so, consistent with that statute, DHS will
propose to clarify which nonimmigrants are exempt from the numerical H-1B
cap, increase job flexibility for certain workers, and provide increased
guidance on the maximum period of admission for H-1B nonimmigrants. DHS will
also propose to clarify protections for certain H-1B whistleblowers.
Same/Similar: On November 20, USCIS issued draft guidance to clarify when
positions are considered to be in “a same or similar occupational
classification” to promote consistency and efficiency in section 204(j)
portability adjudications. Section 204(j) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. § 1154(j),
permits individuals who have long pending employment-based adjustment of
status applications to change jobs without impacting the validity of their
approved immigrant visa petitions for workers, as long as the new job is in
the same or a similar occupational classification as the original job offer.
Once implemented, this guidance should help individuals with pending
adjustment of status applications who are unable to adjust due to visa
unavailability to change employers, seek new job opportunities, or even
accept promotions while they wait to become permanent residents, consistent
with existing statutory authority.
Improvements to Employment-Based Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Programs: DHS
will propose, through a rulemaking, to allow certain beneficiaries of
approved Immigrant Petitions for Alien Worker (Form I-140) to obtain general
work authorization. We will also propose to implement through regulation
various provisions of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first
Century Act of 2000 (AC21) and thereby clarify long-standing USCIS policy
with respect to AC21. In doing so, consistent with that statute, DHS will
propose to clarify which nonimmigrants are exempt from the numerical H-1B
cap, increase job flexibility for certain workers, and provide increased
guidance on the maximum period of admission for H-1B nonimmigrants. DHS will
also propose to clarify protections for certain H-1B whistleblowers.
Same/Similar: On November 20, USCIS issued draft guidance to clarify when
positions are considered to be in “a same or similar occupational
classification” to promote consistency and efficiency in section 204(j)
portability adjudications. Section 204(j) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. § 1154(j),
permits individuals who have long pending employment-based adjustment of
status applications to change jobs without impacting the validity of their
approved immigrant visa petitions for workers, as long as the new job is in
the same or a similar occupational classification as the original job offer.
Once implemented, this guidance should help individuals with pending
adjustment of status applications who are unable to adjust due to visa
unavailability to change employers, seek new job opportunities, or even
accept promotions while they wait to become permanent residents, consistent
with existing statutory authority.
10 楼
11 楼
Email to: [email protected]
/* */
Subject: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
Section 204(j) Job Portability
Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
目标是扩大similar job范围,我的模板是弱化soc code的作用,不管对那个group,强
调transferable skills!!!
uscis最后会根据comments百分比和合理性修改final rule,就算直接copy paste一样的
【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: 在哪comment?没找到啊
: 直接复制邮件,发过去?
Email to: [email protected]
/* */
Subject: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
Section 204(j) Job Portability
Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
目标是扩大similar job范围,我的模板是弱化soc code的作用,不管对那个group,强
调transferable skills!!!
uscis最后会根据comments百分比和合理性修改final rule,就算直接copy paste一样的
【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: 在哪comment?没找到啊
: 直接复制邮件,发过去?
12 楼
可以直接复制shared 的那个document,这个是代表一个group的所以内容一样无所谓的
最后署名写个正常点的first name 不要人家觉得是没人签的就好了。
我昨天在微信群上做了个campaign ,已经让国内大概20个朋友签了和发了。 很多人愿
意转发,但是搞不清楚是什么,我晚点准备写个总统行政令和相似job, 140 EAD法案(
这个还没有post for comments,现在USCIC叫这个AC21) 的介绍,让朋友一起帮忙转发。
如果大家想到有其他扩大similar job的列子和方法, 大家可以一起更新,越全越好,
BTW,现在三哥在facebook上准备tweet campaign for omb and push the AC21 out
before December 21st.
【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: 在哪comment?没找到啊
: 直接复制邮件,发过去?
最后署名写个正常点的first name 不要人家觉得是没人签的就好了。
我昨天在微信群上做了个campaign ,已经让国内大概20个朋友签了和发了。 很多人愿
意转发,但是搞不清楚是什么,我晚点准备写个总统行政令和相似job, 140 EAD法案(
这个还没有post for comments,现在USCIC叫这个AC21) 的介绍,让朋友一起帮忙转发。
如果大家想到有其他扩大similar job的列子和方法, 大家可以一起更新,越全越好,
BTW,现在三哥在facebook上准备tweet campaign for omb and push the AC21 out
before December 21st.
【在 c*******n 的大作中提到】
: 在哪comment?没找到啊
: 直接复制邮件,发过去?
13 楼
14 楼
16 楼
17 楼
18 楼
more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
【在 X**J 的大作中提到】
: 可以直接复制shared 的那个document,这个是代表一个group的所以内容一样无所谓的
: ,至少蹦个数量。
: 最后署名写个正常点的first name 不要人家觉得是没人签的就好了。
: 我昨天在微信群上做了个campaign ,已经让国内大概20个朋友签了和发了。 很多人愿
: 意转发,但是搞不清楚是什么,我晚点准备写个总统行政令和相似job, 140 EAD法案(
: 这个还没有post for comments,现在USCIC叫这个AC21) 的介绍,让朋友一起帮忙转发。
: 如果大家想到有其他扩大similar job的列子和方法, 大家可以一起更新,越全越好,
: 人越多越好
: BTW,现在三哥在facebook上准备tweet campaign for omb and push the AC21 out
: before December 21st.
more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
【在 X**J 的大作中提到】
: 可以直接复制shared 的那个document,这个是代表一个group的所以内容一样无所谓的
: ,至少蹦个数量。
: 最后署名写个正常点的first name 不要人家觉得是没人签的就好了。
: 我昨天在微信群上做了个campaign ,已经让国内大概20个朋友签了和发了。 很多人愿
: 意转发,但是搞不清楚是什么,我晚点准备写个总统行政令和相似job, 140 EAD法案(
: 这个还没有post for comments,现在USCIC叫这个AC21) 的介绍,让朋友一起帮忙转发。
: 如果大家想到有其他扩大similar job的列子和方法, 大家可以一起更新,越全越好,
: 人越多越好
: BTW,现在三哥在facebook上准备tweet campaign for omb and push the AC21 out
: before December 21st.
19 楼
据我所知只有一个similar/same position 在ask for comments 没有final rule
USCIS出的的确是个memo, 这是memo的链接。
从memo上你可以看到,一直提到soc code,那个知名律师greg也说了,这种情况下只有
limit similar job的定义非常不好
Comments 1月4号截至,算算时间3月份finalize差不多。
马的行政法令做到最好,他和他的membership 成员让我们多comments,他们会把建议
take into consideration的
说实话人家这次AC21法案就是不给我们放work authorization我们能有什么办法,就算
是140 portability很多人也受益了。但是最后人家还是放了。 也交到OMB了,放的还
是economically significant类别。 别人能做的也做了,现在就看我们自己能做多少
【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: 移民局计划在明年3月26号推出一个关于相同相似职位的memo。这个memo的草案在移民
: 局首页链接里就有。内容包括不要申请人提供确凿的证据证明相似性,而只需要提供
: more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
: 发。
USCIS出的的确是个memo, 这是memo的链接。
从memo上你可以看到,一直提到soc code,那个知名律师greg也说了,这种情况下只有
limit similar job的定义非常不好
Comments 1月4号截至,算算时间3月份finalize差不多。
马的行政法令做到最好,他和他的membership 成员让我们多comments,他们会把建议
take into consideration的
说实话人家这次AC21法案就是不给我们放work authorization我们能有什么办法,就算
是140 portability很多人也受益了。但是最后人家还是放了。 也交到OMB了,放的还
是economically significant类别。 别人能做的也做了,现在就看我们自己能做多少
【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: 移民局计划在明年3月26号推出一个关于相同相似职位的memo。这个memo的草案在移民
: 局首页链接里就有。内容包括不要申请人提供确凿的证据证明相似性,而只需要提供
: more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
: 发。
20 楼
你在哪里看到只需要提供more likely true than not的证据就行了,我刚才和一个朋
了。 我把我帖子其他地方的帖子拷在下面了。
My friend just gave me a very nice advice for defining similar jobs. We
should recommend USCIS allow the applicant to submit the evidence ,such as
the job description in the market, expert reference in the industry or any
evidence we can get, to prove the jobs are similar, just like they did for
h1b. After all the VOs are not familiar with the development of the industry
and how the jobs evolves in the real world, it is very necessary to have an
comprehensive and open evaluation system to objectively define the job
similarity regardless of the title,soc code and etc
【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: 移民局计划在明年3月26号推出一个关于相同相似职位的memo。这个memo的草案在移民
: 局首页链接里就有。内容包括不要申请人提供确凿的证据证明相似性,而只需要提供
: more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
: 发。
了。 我把我帖子其他地方的帖子拷在下面了。
My friend just gave me a very nice advice for defining similar jobs. We
should recommend USCIS allow the applicant to submit the evidence ,such as
the job description in the market, expert reference in the industry or any
evidence we can get, to prove the jobs are similar, just like they did for
h1b. After all the VOs are not familiar with the development of the industry
and how the jobs evolves in the real world, it is very necessary to have an
comprehensive and open evaluation system to objectively define the job
similarity regardless of the title,soc code and etc
【在 F********r 的大作中提到】
: 移民局计划在明年3月26号推出一个关于相同相似职位的memo。这个memo的草案在移民
: 局首页链接里就有。内容包括不要申请人提供确凿的证据证明相似性,而只需要提供
: more likely true than not的证据即可。这和你说的是不是一回事?
: 发。
21 楼
22 楼
Email to: [email protected]
/* */
ATTN: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
Section 204(j) Job Portability
Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
Dear USCIS Adjudication Committee,
The purpose of this email is to provide comments on the Draft Memo 602-0122
which was released on November 20, 2015.
As one of the skilled immigrants waiting several years for the green cards,
I notice that in the draft, a lot of emphasis on the SOC Code are mentioned,
while I believe that the definition of the similar/same job should go far
beyond the SOC job category and USCIS should take the transferable skills,
job task, the working tools and technology, etc. into more consideration
when defining the similar/same jobs. The emphasis on the job category codes
will in fact limit the definition of similar/same jobs as well as the
standard procedure the adjudicators are guided, and will probably result
into erroneous denies to legitimate cases.
For example, in the section "Other Variations" of the draft, a case of "an
individual whose original job was coded within the major group code of 15-
0000 for Computer and Mathematical Occupations may find a job in an
engineering field, which is classified under the major group code of 17-0000
for Architecture and Engineering Occupations" is mentioned. However, there
is no detailed guidelines of how to determine whether a job change between
15-0000 and 17-0000 is eligible to use AC21.
A suggestion is to use the data provided by The Bureau of Labor Statistics (
BLS) as references. For instance, on the official website of BLS, "Computer
Hardware Engineer" (17-2061) has multiple types of similar occupations such
as "Software Developers" (15-1132, 15-1133), etc. Obviously, it will be bad
if these positions get rejected as the similar jobs in the condition that
SOC Code plays an important role in defining the similar/same jobs.
Therefore, we recommend that USCIS should not pay too much attention on the
SOC code but focus more on the job tasks, transferable skills, the working
tools and technology, education and working environment when defining the
similar/same jobs in the final rule.
We humbly submit the above comments to you and ask that you implement them
in your guidance of “same or similar” going forward so that foreign
nationals can be used to complement the American labor force.
Your Name
Email to: [email protected]
/* */
ATTN: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
Section 204(j) Job Portability
Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
Dear USCIS Adjudication Committee,
The purpose of this email is to provide comments on the Draft Memo 602-0122
which was released on November 20, 2015.
As one of the skilled immigrants waiting several years for the green cards,
I notice that in the draft, a lot of emphasis on the SOC Code are mentioned,
while I believe that the definition of the similar/same job should go far
beyond the SOC job category and USCIS should take the transferable skills,
job task, the working tools and technology, etc. into more consideration
when defining the similar/same jobs. The emphasis on the job category codes
will in fact limit the definition of similar/same jobs as well as the
standard procedure the adjudicators are guided, and will probably result
into erroneous denies to legitimate cases.
For example, in the section "Other Variations" of the draft, a case of "an
individual whose original job was coded within the major group code of 15-
0000 for Computer and Mathematical Occupations may find a job in an
engineering field, which is classified under the major group code of 17-0000
for Architecture and Engineering Occupations" is mentioned. However, there
is no detailed guidelines of how to determine whether a job change between
15-0000 and 17-0000 is eligible to use AC21.
A suggestion is to use the data provided by The Bureau of Labor Statistics (
BLS) as references. For instance, on the official website of BLS, "Computer
Hardware Engineer" (17-2061) has multiple types of similar occupations such
as "Software Developers" (15-1132, 15-1133), etc. Obviously, it will be bad
if these positions get rejected as the similar jobs in the condition that
SOC Code plays an important role in defining the similar/same jobs.
Therefore, we recommend that USCIS should not pay too much attention on the
SOC code but focus more on the job tasks, transferable skills, the working
tools and technology, education and working environment when defining the
similar/same jobs in the final rule.
We humbly submit the above comments to you and ask that you implement them
in your guidance of “same or similar” going forward so that foreign
nationals can be used to complement the American labor force.
Your Name
23 楼
/* */
【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢楼主的模版。我稍微改了一下,以方便码工硅工互相跳。其实draft的原文提到了
: 15(计算机类)和17(工程类)的portability的情况,但我还是建议他们具体化,并
: 且可以用BLS的数据作为参考。
: Email to: [email protected]
: /* */
: ATTN: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
: Section 204(j) Job Portability
: Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
: Dear USCIS Adjudication Committee,
: The purpose of this email is to provide comments on the Draft Memo 602-0122
/* */
【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢楼主的模版。我稍微改了一下,以方便码工硅工互相跳。其实draft的原文提到了
: 15(计算机类)和17(工程类)的portability的情况,但我还是建议他们具体化,并
: 且可以用BLS的数据作为参考。
: Email to: [email protected]
: /* */
: ATTN: The Same or a Similar Occupational Classification” for Purposes of
: Section 204(j) Job Portability
: Comments on Draft PM-602-0122
: Dear USCIS Adjudication Committee,
: The purpose of this email is to provide comments on the Draft Memo 602-0122
24 楼
老毛跟邵华十指相扣不算啥大事 (转载)邓建国:我跟干露露很干净 敢发誓从没上过床 (转载)和谐驱动系统 (转载)邓建国:我跟干露露很干净 敢发誓从没上过床(图) (转载)将改变你很多观念 80%家长都后悔太晚读到此文 (转载)佐治亚州56岁女子成6亿美元头奖得主 (转载)天骄国际安全学院全世界外F都是一个样 (转载)俺一来灌极端追求安全性的群众应该去买纯电车 (转载)学术版版众中了一个亿的反应最不能接受的分手理由Snowden会不会的Nobel和平奖呀刚才打车,司机问我听歌不?西周年代的青铜礼器怎么鉴定 [zt]大家加完油要receipt的时候是不是觉得那个设计很SB?得瑟一下,今天超了一个骑车的! (转载)又来劈腿了Re: NASA忽悠不下去了学霸与学渣