Google V8 uses full fledged incremental mark & copy technology for garbage collection, which is, if not more, the same strong as most JVM garbage collection. The only language that I know who's stilling doing reference counting is PHP . Objective C (IOS) sort of does reference counting, but it's soft garbage collection as you can always use explicit language primitives to deallocate memory. I think you just lack basic experience in JS, in which case, I really suggest you STFU.
【在 b***e 的大作中提到】 : Google V8 uses full fledged incremental mark & copy technology for : garbage collection, which is, if not more, the same strong as : most JVM garbage collection. : The only language that I know who's stilling doing reference : counting is PHP . Objective C (IOS) sort of does reference : counting, but it's soft garbage collection as you can always use : explicit language primitives to deallocate memory. : I think you just lack basic experience in JS, in which case, I : really suggest you STFU.
45 楼
a small portion is already on node. js, but that is for web team, we are still moving to Java from php.