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【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: BigBullZ (前行), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Re: 最新爆料
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 15:24:24 2014, 美东)
发信人: BigBullZ (前行), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Re: 最新爆料
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 15:24:24 2014, 美东)
3 楼
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Sources: Pacers Implosion Due to Sexual Incident With George, Hibbert
By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
“It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
here were reports of a gay man catfishing the Pacers’ fallen star. And a mo
nth earlier, rumors swirled about George impregnating a Miami stripper. We c
ould refer to 2014 as The Year of Paul George’s Dong.
“It’s just been too much to bare,” an anonymous Pacers player with the sa
me last name as Kanye West tells us. “Paul and Roy won’t even look at each
other, let alone pass the ball to one another. They need to man up, though,
because this sh-t happens all the time.”
After losing seven of their last ten, the Pacers have relinquished the top s
eed in the east to the steady Heat. For Indiana to deliver any blows to the
two-time defending NBA champions in a potential conference finals rematch, t
he swords and hostility must be put aside in an effort to reunite as a team.
If not, it’s going to be “fo’, fo’, fo’” for the Heat in the first thr
ee rounds of the playoffs en route to a fourth consecutive NBA Finals appear
Photo: Willie Stark, Flickr
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
: 发信人: BigBullZ (前行), 信区: Basketball
: 标 题: Re: 最新爆料
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 15:24:24 2014, 美东)
: http://www.pageqsports.com/2014/04/sources-pacers-implosion-due
: 强烈联系大家读一下后半部分,太娱乐了
By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
“It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
here were reports of a gay man catfishing the Pacers’ fallen star. And a mo
nth earlier, rumors swirled about George impregnating a Miami stripper. We c
ould refer to 2014 as The Year of Paul George’s Dong.
“It’s just been too much to bare,” an anonymous Pacers player with the sa
me last name as Kanye West tells us. “Paul and Roy won’t even look at each
other, let alone pass the ball to one another. They need to man up, though,
because this sh-t happens all the time.”
After losing seven of their last ten, the Pacers have relinquished the top s
eed in the east to the steady Heat. For Indiana to deliver any blows to the
two-time defending NBA champions in a potential conference finals rematch, t
he swords and hostility must be put aside in an effort to reunite as a team.
If not, it’s going to be “fo’, fo’, fo’” for the Heat in the first thr
ee rounds of the playoffs en route to a fourth consecutive NBA Finals appear
Photo: Willie Stark, Flickr
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
: 发信人: BigBullZ (前行), 信区: Basketball
: 标 题: Re: 最新爆料
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 15:24:24 2014, 美东)
: http://www.pageqsports.com/2014/04/sources-pacers-implosion-due
: 强烈联系大家读一下后半部分,太娱乐了
5 楼
6 楼
哈哈 这段写的很逗
“It’s just been too much to bare,” an anonymous Pacers player with the
same last name as Kanye West tells us.
“It’s just been too much to bare,” an anonymous Pacers player with the
same last name as Kanye West tells us.
10 楼
I like this one.
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: Sources: Pacers Implosion Due to Sexual Incident With George, Hibbert
: By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
: According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
: rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
: Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
: “It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
: says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
: inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
: lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
: This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: Sources: Pacers Implosion Due to Sexual Incident With George, Hibbert
: By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
: According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
: rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
: Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
: “It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
: says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
: inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
: lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
: This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
11 楼
其实 我贡献一个 cvs有89的山寨本 不过是ce系统的 coa淘宝搞个假的贴上,ce的话改
12 楼
It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win
against Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there
was lots of shouting and crying.
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: Sources: Pacers Implosion Due to Sexual Incident With George, Hibbert
: By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
: According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
: rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
: Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
: “It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
: says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
: inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
: lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
: This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win
against Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there
was lots of shouting and crying.
【在 N*****m 的大作中提到】
: Sources: Pacers Implosion Due to Sexual Incident With George, Hibbert
: By Willie Beamen · On April 7, 2014
: According to 19 sources close to the Indiana Pacers, the team’s recent dete
: rioration is largely due to an awkward sexual incident between former stars
: Roy Hibbert and Paul George.
: “It all started with a groupie named Dixie,” one highly dependable source
: says. “Roy and Paul were engaging in a threesome with her after the win aga
: inst Utah on March 2. But they ended up crossing swords, and then there was
: lots of shouting and crying. The team obviously hasn’t recovered.”
: This wasn’t the only sexual snafu involving George in March. Weeks later, t
14 楼
看完了一头雾水,什么叫 crossing swords? 有没有图解?Kenya West 的 last name
16 楼
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cross swords
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6
【在 i*****0 的大作中提到】
: 看完了一头雾水,什么叫 crossing swords? 有没有图解?Kenya West 的 last name
: 是什么?。。。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6
【在 i*****0 的大作中提到】
: 看完了一头雾水,什么叫 crossing swords? 有没有图解?Kenya West 的 last name
: 是什么?。。。
17 楼
18 楼
My my my!
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】
: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cross swords
: name
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6
【在 s**********d 的大作中提到】
: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cross swords
: name
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6
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