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是不是都不如uiuc purdue pennstate
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喜欢坐AA的,leg room多一点,而且飞机上有电源,不过我n年没坐过UNITED的,所以
25 楼
i look at school rankings in a very broad sense. for the two schools you
questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
lot better than illinois.
the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
as i said, this is simply my own opinion. i'm sure there are people who
think differently.
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Usanews rank uiuc 11th in
: Public schools, pen state 14, ut 17 Purdue 20 and tam 25.
questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
lot better than illinois.
the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
as i said, this is simply my own opinion. i'm sure there are people who
think differently.
【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Usanews rank uiuc 11th in
: Public schools, pen state 14, ut 17 Purdue 20 and tam 25.
26 楼
I am wondering if usanews look at the same things. Grad school, uiuc also
rank higher. I think usanews might have broader view and data than us.
Agree and disagree.
Definitely is a little bit overstatement of personal opinion. >> for a rank
from 14 to 17 is overreach.
Accounting though, UT rank #1 and UIUC #3. So you are right from business
【在 p******s 的大作中提到】
: i look at school rankings in a very broad sense. for the two schools you
: questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
: law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
: also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
: and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
: lot better than illinois.
: the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
: apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
: so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
: d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
rank higher. I think usanews might have broader view and data than us.
Agree and disagree.
Definitely is a little bit overstatement of personal opinion. >> for a rank
from 14 to 17 is overreach.
Accounting though, UT rank #1 and UIUC #3. So you are right from business
【在 p******s 的大作中提到】
: i look at school rankings in a very broad sense. for the two schools you
: questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
: law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
: also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
: and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
: lot better than illinois.
: the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
: apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
: so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
: d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
27 楼
this is the j point
【在 p******s 的大作中提到】
: i look at school rankings in a very broad sense. for the two schools you
: questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
: law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
: also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
: and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
: lot better than illinois.
: the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
: apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
: so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
: d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
【在 p******s 的大作中提到】
: i look at school rankings in a very broad sense. for the two schools you
: questioned, they are big universities, i'd look at their medical/business/
: law schools, and then their sciences/engineering/humanities schools. i would
: also consider their endowments, among many other things like athletics'.
: and i think if you bother to gather those data, you might agree texas is a
: lot better than illinois.
: the usnews ranking you listed is applicable only when high school students
: apply to undergraduate programs. i'd say the undergraduate programs of those
: so-called pub ivies, which include texas and illinois, are fairly close. i'
: d no put much weight on the 11th and 17th rankings.
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