不久f2大妈应该好找工作了吧# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
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Asian women faced a "double whammy" of racial and sexual discrimination,
according to the report. The study found there is only one Asian female
executive for every 287 Asian women professional jobs at the five companies.
By comparison, there was one white female executive for every 123 white
women in professional jobs, Ascend said. The ratio for white men was one
executive for every 87 professional jobs.
Study: Top tech firms bypassing Asian workers for exec jobs
according to the report. The study found there is only one Asian female
executive for every 287 Asian women professional jobs at the five companies.
By comparison, there was one white female executive for every 123 white
women in professional jobs, Ascend said. The ratio for white men was one
executive for every 87 professional jobs.
Study: Top tech firms bypassing Asian workers for exec jobs