印度阿三yy潜航器事件,有点搞笑# Joke - 肚皮舞运动
1 楼
There is an issue with the coupon code we sent you yesterday. Our bad!
To make things right, we are working to credit $15 in points (15,000 points)
to your account. In the meantime, please, dont use the coupon code
while shopping.
Well send you an email to let you know when those points are available
. Be sure to keep an eye out!
Thanks for your patience,
Your Shop Your Way℠ Team
There is an issue with the coupon code we sent you yesterday. Our bad!
To make things right, we are working to credit $15 in points (15,000 points)
to your account. In the meantime, please, dont use the coupon code
while shopping.
Well send you an email to let you know when those points are available
. Be sure to keep an eye out!
Thanks for your patience,
Your Shop Your Way℠ Team