情人节快乐!搞基三兄弟!:D# Joke - 肚皮舞运动k*e2017-02-13 08:021 楼我用redcard买gift card,没有5% off,然后用gift card 买东西,也没有5% off,是不是这样?这样的话用credit card买gift card就行了,反正拿不到redcard的5% off
j*j2017-02-13 08:029 楼买kindle GC有5% off【在 k****e 的大作中提到】: 我用redcard买gift card,没有5% off,然后用gift card 买东西,也没有5% off,是: 不是这样?: 这样的话用credit card买gift card就行了,反正拿不到redcard的5% off
r*r2017-02-13 08:0210 楼yes, call the 800 number at the back, setup your pin, then use it as debitcard, and you also can get up to 60 cash.
s*r2017-02-13 08:0215 楼需要连续按cancel键么?【在 r**********r 的大作中提到】: yes, call the 800 number at the back, setup your pin, then use it as debit: card, and you also can get up to 60 cash.