I posted here asking should I reject the package? my friend called me that I should keep it and can mail them with his 4G IPAD3 So I were happy and went for my daily lunch swimming My wife saw my post, the Fedex guy knocked the front door, she could not reach me and rejected them all............. 杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具 xietong men, all in ipad3 ba
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : I posted here asking should I reject the package? : my friend called me that I should keep it and can mail them with his 4G : IPAD3 : So I were happy and went for my daily lunch swimming : My wife saw my post, the Fedex guy knocked the front door, she could not : reach me and rejected them all............. : 杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具 : xietong men, all in ipad3 ba
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : I posted here asking should I reject the package? : my friend called me that I should keep it and can mail them with his 4G : IPAD3 : So I were happy and went for my daily lunch swimming : My wife saw my post, the Fedex guy knocked the front door, she could not : reach me and rejected them all............. : 杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具 : xietong men, all in ipad3 ba
I posted here asking should I reject the package?my friend called me that I should keep ........ ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.39
【在 p***e 的大作中提到】 : I posted here asking should I reject the package? : my friend called me that I should keep it and can mail them with his 4G : IPAD3 : So I were happy and went for my daily lunch swimming : My wife saw my post, the Fedex guy knocked the front door, she could not : reach me and rejected them all............. : 杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具杯具 : xietong men, all in ipad3 ba
22 楼
【在 r***v 的大作中提到】 : 重大利好 : : I posted here asking should I reject the package?my friend called me that I : should keep ........ : ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.39
23 楼
【在 a***a 的大作中提到】 : 到底啥意思?是不是他reject一下市面上流通的就少了5%? : : I