2 楼
"You look at our farmers for 15 years the graph is going just like this down
. Our farmers have been hurt our workers have been hurt our companies have
moved out and moved to Mexico and other countries including Canada," Mr.
Trump said. "Now we're going to fix that situation and if it's not fixed we'
re not going to deal with these countries the relationship I've had is great
so you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."
. Our farmers have been hurt our workers have been hurt our companies have
moved out and moved to Mexico and other countries including Canada," Mr.
Trump said. "Now we're going to fix that situation and if it's not fixed we'
re not going to deal with these countries the relationship I've had is great
so you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."
3 楼
Re: 日本将在2020年推出8K的[变态清]电视节目 (转载)Re: 求推荐一款行车记录仪,要前后都能录像吧 (转载)傅苹回忆录 真伪大调查 (转载)iOS 6跟iOS 7的差别~~谁更好?真相只有一个! (转载)冰球和棒球雪村不是那个唱我们都是活雷锋的么NSA: 只有将斯诺登绳之以法才能保护美国人民的隐私权 (转载)ZT学外语,为什么你总是发不好音?Re: 昨晚在collierville的公园被人持枪抢劫 (转载)说说今天饭局遇到的一个loser (转载)能找出亮点的人视力至少1.5为什么大多数人长得不好看呢转一个old吗?白宫请愿十万人签名征集:废止"外公外婆"歧视性中文称呼的使用 (转载)人参果想勾引这个女孩,是不是没戏了? (转载)逛军版的WSN真是没用 (转载)在等你....真正的纯学术问题:你能解释这个吗?振英同志:知雪村離港美不悅,但港已跟足程序 (转载)