My son is 4 years old. One of his teeth has a big cavity. Dentist A then
performed some filling first.
One week after the filling, my son has some tooth pain. Dentist then refers
my son to see a pediatric dentist B.
After the X-Ray, Dentist B recommends removal of the tooth in order to “
reliably remove the infection”. The dentist said the permanent teeth will
grow when my son is 10 – 12 years old.
We checked some website:
1. Some Chinese website said “ 小孩不要轻易拔牙, 除非反复牙疼“;
2. We are waiting to see second-opinion;
3. We plan to pay close attention to my son’s teeth (like brush teeth
twice a day, etc.)
We are unwilling to perform the removal procedure at this moment. Any
question has similar experience? Thanks a lot for the input.
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