我靠,Ebay上这个纸画的ToughPad太TM火了# PDA - 掌中宝
想找情人, 就是有这方面的需要(生理和心理). 请问达人到哪里去找情人?
具体点到什么网站上找. 现在很多网站都是要收费 (包括, 太麻烦了.
本人不想在生活中搭讪, 也不想找职业的收费的.
Question & Answer Answered On
Q: Can you tell me how much this item weighs? I don't want a device too
heavy for my bookbag. Thank you in advance for your response. Aug-26-11
A: 5.3 grams.
Q: Dear Sir, I salute you in the name of the most high God...Can I send
you a check of $12,000 paid by my empolyer in London and for the god's sake
you Westunion back whatever left after I pay for your spactecular PT? Aug
A: No?
Q: Have you ever been as far as even considered go want to do look more
like? Aug-26-11
A: Not sure what that means.
Q: Are you sure this is the original drawing and not a replica? I was
pretty disappointed when I found out the last piece of art I purchased was a
Van Gogh replica... :( Aug-26-11
A: 101% authentic. Freshly drawn before listed. :D
Q: I am a representative of Museum of Modern Art and would not want any
thing obsolete (Not modern) so can you please flash Android onto this
Touchpad and "modernize" it? Aug-26-11
A: It is over $800, which means that I will be drawing another one
running Android. :D
Q: Is it against copyright to photocopy this? I would like to back up
such an expensive purchase incase I spill grape soda on it. Aug-26-11
A: If you buy, it's yours. Do what you wish with it. :D
Q: who would pay 100 000 for a pice of paper Aug-26-11
A: It's fine art, thank you very much.
Q: I am definitely interested in your Touchpad, however I see no charger
drawn. Will this come with a charger as well? Thanks Aug-26-11
A: I'll draw two accessories on the back. Your choice. Contact me if you
're the winner at checkout.
Q: Hello Good Sir, I heard that you are not the original creator of this
drawing, which is stated on this video on youtube "" Can you please confirm? Aug-26-11
A: Wow. What a nice video!
Q: I've got about $100,000 to spend and I'm trying to decide between
your Touchpad drawing and Ferrari 360 Spyder F1 in eBay motors for about the
same price. I'm leaning towards the drawing. What can you tell me to put me
over the edge? Aug-26-11
A: This drawing is one of a kind. The Ferrari 360 Spyder is not the only
one out there. :D
Q: Would you kindly accept a drawing of a 7-legged spider as payment?
Also, do you ship to Nigeria? Aug-26-11
A: Lmao! Sorry, but we all know 7 legged spiders are not real. Free
international shipping. :D
Q: OMG! You guys are hilarious! Made my day!! Aug-26-11
A: Thanks! :D
Q: Since you're the engineer for this "product", would you recommend
getting the OEM HP Touchpad case, an 11" netbook hard case (so I could
minimize creases) or just go with a manila folder if I win this "product"
since I am reaching my budget on it? Aug-26-11
A: Manilla envelope. OEM case would likely cost too much. XD
Q: Do you know if Best Buy will be getting any of these in stock soon? I
called and the employee didn't know what I was talking about. Aug-26-11
A: One of a kind. So, no they won't. :D
Q: Will you ship out of the USA? If so, can you mark down the price of
the item for customs fee and tax reasons? Aug-26-11
A: International shipping is free. :D
Q: Hi, I couldn't afford to buy this unique touchpad so I got a chinese
knockoff, made a paper airplane and then it crashed. Since the original
architecture is basically the same do you have any ideas on how to get it
flat again? Aug-26-11
A: I'd recommend wetting and then ironing it. No guarantees, though. :D
Q: can i draw you a cashier check & pay for it if i won? Aug-26-11
A: Nope. Sorry. :D
Q: What kind of warranty comes with this? And is it onsite or depot. Can
I buy an extended warranty thru Squaretrade? Aug-26-11
A: No warranty. Coming directly from myself. Not sure about ST.
Q: Hi, since missing out on an an actual Touchpad I'm irrationally
desperate to buy this picture of one. Since I'm in the UK I will have to
wait quite a few days for shipping so would you be able to scan a copy and
email me it (assuming I win your auction of course) If not I will be happy
to charter a private jet. Aug-26-11
A: Yes, I'll send you a pic of one to keep you happy until it arrives in
physical form. :D
Q: What is the warranty on this item? :) Aug-26-11
A: There isn't one. No returns accepted, either. I don't want this ugly
piece of work back in my house. :D
Q: Hi there... Can this be framed too...if yes will you please use a
wooden frame... Good work there :) Aug-26-11
A: It can be framed, but I'm not going to frame it. You can use a wooden
frame, though. :D
Q: Condition of paper? no creases? Aug-26-11
A: Crisp and creaseless. :D
Q: does the white version have updated hardware compared to the black
version? can you post some benchmarks? Aug-26-11
A: No and no. Too much work for something only selling for...$98,000. :D
Q: Does it come with accessories such as the cover/carrying case and a
wireless stand with charging Aug-26-11
A: I will draw 2 accessories on the back for you. Contact me with your
requests at checkout.
Q: Hi, Is it OK to download an electronic copy of this picture and save
it to my computer or if not, could you email it in JPG format for a extra
small fee if I win the auction. Also do you have free pickup? Thanks, Shawn
A: If you win the auction, I'll send you a copy to keep you happy until
it arrives. :D
Q: How did you get 5 icons in the dock bar? Aug-26-11
A: I just drew the other ones smaller. :D
Q: I'd like to say that I'm mad for not coming up with this first. What
are you going to do with your money if eBay lets all this happen legitly?
A: This was the first one listed, I promise. One appears to be listed
before mine, but that's because eBay removed this last night and then put it
back up minutes later. Time got taken off of it's lenth.
Q: What tyoe of pen was used during manufacturing? Aug-26-11
A: Ballpoint w/ blue ink. :D
Q: Well done, I wish I had thought of this, very clever. If you are ever
in the UK, I would be more than pleased to buy you a pint. Only wish I
could bid on it, it would be my most treasured possesion, a symbol of all
that is crazy in the year 2011 !!! Best wishes Aug-26-11
A: Thanks for the kind words! Best to you, as well!
Q: Can I cook hotdogs on this touchpad? Aug-26-11
A: No. Sorry. :D
Q: Is this used or new? Aug-26-11
A: Freshly drawn.
Q: You're a genius for thinking this up. Will you have my children? We
could start a master race. Aug-26-11
A: Hahaha. Sorry, man. I don't think that is possible.
Q: Does it come with manufacturer warranty? If so, how long? Aug-26-
A: No warranty. Sorry. :D
Q: Just called BB and they said they're getting a pallet of these
drawings in tomorrow. Going to get in line now. I thought yours was an
original. Aug-26-11
A: Haha. Dang. Hope you get one!
Q: hi.. can i overclock this device?? and does it support multi touch
technology ?? Aug-26-11
A: No and no. Sorry. :D
Q: Hillcrestbunch Although I like this model, will you be releasing the
color version any time soon??? Thanks Aug-26-11
A: Nope. My artistic ability has been entirely spent on this drawing.
Sorry. :D
Q: Dude, the guy from England was willing to pay extra for international
shipping. You'd be surprised what people will pay a lot of money for!
A: International shipping is free. Tough decision for me to have to
shell out extra $$$
Q: Hey, I noticed you said your drawing contains Wi-Fi. What does wi-fi
mean in this case since it's a drawing? Aug-26-11
A: Absolutely nothing. :D
Q: HI, are you getting any more in stock? Aug-26-11
A: Nope. One of a kind.
Q: Is it true that if you don't use it, you lose it? Aug-26-11
A: I haven't used my artistic ability in a while, and, obviously, I
still have it.
Q: Hello, sorry to bother you again, but I see a lot of other sellers
are now copying your idea AND your description (I find it awful, people
should right their own description at least), What do you have to say to
those losers? Aug-26-11
A: You aren't bothering me, dont worry. It's kind of disappointing
actually. Though, their drawings aren't bringing a fraction of 90,000
Q: Can I draw Angry Birds on it? Which version? Aug-26-11
A: You can draw any AB version you wish! :D
Q: If the US Government could sell a billion of these we'd be out of
debt! And think of the jobs it would create for people to draw them. Will
you give up the rights to the drawing? Aug-26-11
A: Hmmm. That'll be up to whoever pays the $$$--they'll own the rights.
Q: Hello, Dan Bishop project manger for GE here. It's a very nice
rendering, but the price seems a little high. Would you consider making
another one (maybe on smaller paper and with a less quality ink and less GB'
s) for around $400? Thanks. Aug-26-11
A: Selling outside of the auction would violate eBay rules. And I love
eBay, just like I love Apple. GE should pay some taxes, though, IMO. Best, :
Q: I'm cooking a turkey; 24 pounds and defrosted. How long should I keep
it in the oven and at what temperature? Aug-26-11
A: Lmao. Sorry, I'm no help on that one.
Q: How this It is compared to the competition? Aug-26-11
A: A bit slow. I read on Gizmodo that webOS is twice as fast on an iPad.
Too bad you can't add iOS to this. Still worth the $90,000, IMO.
Q: Hi There, is the white paper background /surround outside the blue
lines included with this drawing, or just the drawing of the Touchpad itself
? Also is international shipping possible as I live in the England? Aug-
A: Yes, the background is included. If it is white in the picture, it is
yours. Free international shipping. :D
Q: good trick, but my question to you is if you get 10 for 99 $ will u
not be selling it for profit?? i mean people by for what they feel its worth
of it. The price paid by seller (99 or 149 ) is immaterial as long as buyer
is happy about price... rt ?? I have heard cost to build ipad is around 280
$ , but still it goes 399. In btwn waiting for my tocuhpad :) Aug-26-11
A: I'm sure the cost of manufacturing is higher. I'm a cheapo, though,
and not spending over $150
Q: This is totally a fake. It says "Search" instead of "Just Type" in
the top bar. Aug-26-11
A: Whoops. A bit of an oversight. Makes it that much more unique. :D
Q: Hi, Can you add more apps to the App bar at the bottom? Can you hack
this to showcase Honeycomb? -Lahoree Aug-26-11
A: Included apps are the ones you're stuck with...unless you draw more.
Q: Does it come with papercut insurance? Aug-26-11
A: Would have to be purchased separately.
Q: I know my internal organs are worth less than this, so when will the
firesale kick in for one of these bad boys so I can finally afford one that
I don't really need/want but I will want because its $100? Aug-26-11
A: 1/1. Still 6 days to save up your cash. Don't recommend selling your
organs, though. :D
Q: Hi, my name is Steve Jobs. As you may have read on the interweb, I
lost my job. Anyhow, I see you posted this auction using an iPad2 - thank
you. That being said, do you think you could let me borrow your iPad? I lost
mine. Thanks! Aug-26-11
A: You can afford another iPad, Steve. Don't come bumming off of me. Get
well soon, though, buddy.
Q: From a fellow broke college student - it is awesome to see something
so simple, yet brilliant. Best wishes! Aug-25-11
A: Thanks for the kind message. Best to you, as well! :D
Q: How are you a broke college student but own an overpriced that
probably provides nothing useful to a student? Aug-25-11
A: I'm broke because I bought the iPad, not rich because I own one.
Actually, none of your business really. :D
Q: Hi, My name is Tim Cook. As you may have read on the inter web, I
have a new job. Anyhow, I see you posted this auction using an iPad2 - thank
you. That said, I'm concerned I may be losing my first customer to this
beautiful WebOS device. May I pay you the sum of $1,000,000 instantly via
Western Union for the privilege of taking this off of your hands? I can head
to Wal-Mart within the hour. Please advise. Sincerely, I hope I don't bring
this place to it's knees, Tim. Aug-25-11
A: <3 you Tim. But it would violate eBay rules. Tell Steve I said hello
and to get well soon.
Q: If I'm not the winning bidder can you fax me a copy? Aug-25-11
A: Faxing is sooo 90's. I'd recommend taking a screenshot. :D
Q: What will your relatives say when you (maybe) make it to the Yahoo!
home page and the news? If HP offers you a job in their marketing department
, will you accept it? Aug-25-11
A: Dang. Maybe this will make the news. And, yes, I would take the job.
Q: How is it rare? I can get out a sharpie and draw a picture of mine
that looks just like that... That's actually not such a bad idea Aug-25-
A: Quite a few have actually copied that idea and put it on eBay. Those
ones aren't selling so well.
Q: Does this one have front camera like my ipad2? If not, the price
should be reduced by at least 10%. Thanks. Aug-25-11
A: It doesn't. But we both know that the front and back iPad 2 cameras
sucks, so you aren't missing out on much.
Q: Is this really the 9.7in screen? diagonal? Aug-25-11
A: Not drawn to scale. Sorry. :D
Q: Does this come with any accessories such as blue pen or binder? And
does it come with the paper airplane app pre-loaded? Aug-25-11
A: Blue pen is my favorite, so no. I can make you a paper airplane if
you win. Contact me at checkout. :D
Q: Looks like the screen is displaying a classic NES video game
cartridge (minus the label). Can you tell me which game it is? Aug-25-11
A: If it is, it isn't supposed to. Sorry for the confusion. XD
Q: Does this come with a 1 year warrenty? I was just wondering because
something might get "erased" pun intended... Aug-25-11
A: Nice pun, but this is ink. :D
Q: Can you ship this to Nigeria ;)lol Aug-25-11
A: Not usually, but this time...sure. And for free. :D
Q: Do you have the one that's 64GB? Aug-25-11
A: Nope. Sorry. :D
Q: You are a genius! Ive gotta ask, is this for real, do you think you
will actually get paid? I am without speech! Is this the start of the end of
the world? Change the time left on the auction, collect your money and move
to a third world country on the beach and live like a king for me Aug-25
A: It is for real, and I hope I get paid. The world isn't ending, at
least not that I know of. Not quite enough for an island...yet. Thanks for
the kind words. :D
Q: Is the screen scratched or just glossy? You didn't specify its
condition so I'm not sure if it's new or used. And what's that on bottom
right? USB cable? If it's new (or new-other) I'd like to buy. Please let me
know ASAP. Thanks. Aug-25-11
A: Condition is New. Was drawn fresh for this listing. Screen is not
scratched...just paper. :D
Q: I see this has the epaper display... Aug-25-11
A: eInk, too. :D
Q: Can you provide other pictures of the item? Perhaps a side view would
be nice. Aug-25-11
A: Sorry. Too much work for something that is only up to...$70,000. :D
Q: It looks like that an Ipad was used to upload this picture. What a
clever shot man! Steve is gone and HP is taking over tablet bizz in the wild
run! Good luck Aug-25-11
A: Apple fanboy forever. :D
Q: Is this paper pure gold or at least lined with it? I was waiting for
a piece of paper so popular....random! Aug-25-11
A: Nope. Ordinary copy paper from WalMart. :D
Q: do you take cash offer or western union? Aug-25-11
A: Paypal only. :D
Q: How do I know you've really got one in stock? Aug-25-11
A: Gonna have to trust me on this one. :D
Q: How much extra is USPS Overnight Express Mail? I'm trying to figure
out if this is within my budget... Aug-25-11
A: I'll throw it in. Free upon payment. :D
Q: I have seen knock-offs pop up on ebay recently. Can you confirm this
is the real deal? Is there a serial number on the back? Aug-25-11
A: I can write a serial number on the back. Contact me at checkout. :D
Q: Hey, wow Ive been searching since sunday for an hp touchpad.. and of
course no luck.. I was banking on amazon but Onsale cancelled my order. I
cant belive your drawing is on bid for over $10,000. Your smart for doing
that.. I wish i could come up with something to do.. Im also a college
student. Im dying for an asus transformer but cant afford it, and when i
heard about this sale i got excited to finally be able to afford a tablet,
but oh well. Good job and congrats, now youll be able to afford what ever
tablet you want and some. Aug-25-11
A: Good luck w/ your search. :D
Q: Congrats on making $10,000. May I copy you? I am also a poor college
student. Aug-25-11
A: Thanks. Maybe an iPad drawing will go for more?
Q: Hahaha lol I'm glad to see someone as confused and upset as I am by
ridiculous pricing and greed by people that bought 100 of these just to sell
and the stupidity that people r doing by supporting them by bidding on them
. Makes me sick.very good post lol. Aug-25-11
A: Thanks!
Q: I really need a pad with a touch pen. Can you sell your "BLUE pen"
together with your cute touchpad? Aug-25-11
A: I can't because it's my favorite pen. Sorry.
yes, baozi

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: craiglist.

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