民主党总统股市年均+11%,共和党总统股市年均+2.7%# Stock
Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer
By Bob Drummond - Feb 21, 2012 9:00 PM PT
While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall
Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House.
From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.
The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy
was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the
Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White
House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.
That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have
realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations
. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under
Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,
087 on the day George W. Bush left office.
“The market does tend to do better under Democrats than under Republicans,
” Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at S&P Equity Research in New
York, said in a telephone interview. “Is it because Republicans mishandled
the economy, or inherited a weak economy? I’ll leave that to others.”
Some of the difference may stem from the fact that every Republican
president since at least the end of World War II has faced a recession
during his first term in office, Stovall said. Nine of 11 recessions that
began since 1945 -- and seven of eight since Kennedy ran for president in
1960 --started with Republicans in the Oval Office.
Wall Street Republicans
Democratic administrations also may be more likely to spend money on
government programs that stimulate the economy, Stovall said.
“I dare say that most people on Wall Street are Republicans,” Stovall said
. “But it appears the bread is buttered on the Democratic side.”
The S&P 500 yesterday hit its highest intra-day level since June 2008 and
closed at 1,362.21, the highest since last April 29. The benchmark index is
up 8.3 percent so far in 2012, the biggest year-to-date gain at this point
since 1991.
Since Kennedy took office, the Democratic S&P fund logged a 992 percent gain
, versus 109 percent growth for the opposition party, even though Democrats
occupied the White House for 23 years over the period, compared with 28
years of Republican presidential leadership.
The annualized return for 23 years of Democratic administrations is 11
percent, or four times the 2.7 percent annualized return during 28 years of
Republican presidencies.
11% + 2.7% ~= 7%
就是这个平均7%的年回报, 让美国民众80年里衣食无忧。

【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer
: By Bob Drummond - Feb 21, 2012 9:00 PM PT
: While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall
: Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House.
: From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.
: The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy
: was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the
: Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White
: House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.
: That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have


【在 l******2 的大作中提到】
: 11% + 2.7% ~= 7%
: 就是这个平均7%的年回报, 让美国民众80年里衣食无忧。


【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer
: By Bob Drummond - Feb 21, 2012 9:00 PM PT
: While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall
: Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House.
: From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.
: The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy
: was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the
: Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White
: House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.
: That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have


【在 b*******3 的大作中提到】
: 这种算法是不是有问题啊。高于GDP这么多?钱哪里来的?