Financier George Soros Boosts Stake in Apple
Financier George Soros Boosts Stake in Apple# Stock
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Carl Icahn isn't the only billionaire investor with an
appetite for Apple's stock.
Financier George Soros more than doubled his stake in the iPhone and iPad
maker in recent months, according to regulatory documents filed Wednesday.
Soros' fund held 66,800 shares of Apple Inc. stock at the end of June, up
from 26,800 shares in March.
Apple's stock finished Wednesday at $498.50, its highest closing price since
Jan. 23. At that price, Soros' holdings are currently worth about $33
Apple's shares remain nearly 30 percent below their peak of $705.07 reached
nearly 11 months ago. Despite that drop, Apple remains the world's most
valuable company with a market value of more than $450 billion.
Soros' disclosure about his increased interest in Apple came a day after
Icahn took to his Twitter account to announce he has built a large stake in
the Cupertino, Calif., company, too.
Icahn hasn't yet specified how much Apple stock he owns, but he has already
urged Apple CEO Tim Cook to increase the amount of money that the company is
spending to buy back its stock. Apple so far has pledged to spend $60
billion buying back its stock by end of April.
Unlike Icahn, Soros hasn't indicated that he intends to pressure Apple to do
things differently.
Both investors have built vast fortunes by making savvy investments. Forbes
magazine estimates Icahn's wealth at $20 billion and Soros' at $19.2 billion.
Soros is making an even bigger bet on one of Apple's biggest rivals, Google
Inc. He ended June with 396,953 Google shares in his portfolio, up from 337,
271 at the end of March, according to Wednesday's regulatory filing. Google'
s stock closed Wednesday at $869.81, valuing Soros' holdings at about $345
The growing popularity of smartphones and tablet computers running on Google
's Android operating system slowed the sales growth of iPhones and iPads,
contributing to the decline in Apple's stock.
Soros' filing also revealed that he increased his holdings in struggling
retailer J.C. Penney Co. Inc. since he disclosed a 7.9 percent stake in the
company nearly four months ago. Soros now owns nearly 20 million Penney
shares, up from 17.4 million in April.
不多啊,才33M, 只比这里的spanishfly高了一个数量级。