boehner拒绝奥巴马的deal# Stock
Boehner rejects Obama's offer for short-term debt, shutdown deal
By Russell Berman, Erik Wasson and Justin Sink - 10/08/13 07:03 PM ET
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Tuesday rejected President Obama’s offer t
o negotiate a long-term fiscal deal in exchange for temporary measures to en
d the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling.
Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said that if House Republica
ns re-opened the government and lifted the nation’s borrowing authority –
even for a few months – he would enter into wide-ranging talks that could i
nclude his signature healthcare law and issues related to the debt.
“If they want to do that, reopen the government. Extend the debt ceiling. I
f they can't do it for a long time, do it for the period of time in which th
ese negotiations are taking place,” Obama said.
But Boehner shot down that opening at his own press conference hours later,
characterizing it as a demand for “unconditional surrender” from the GOP.
“What the president said today was, if there’s unconditional surrender by
Republicans, he’ll sit down and talk to us,” Boehner said. “That’s not t
he way America works.”
It was not immediately clear whether Obama’s suggestion for a short-term de
al represented a possible way out for both sides ahead of an Oct. 17 deadlin
e for raising the debt ceiling.
During a press conference lasting more than an hour, Obama said he could not
take unilateral action to lift the borrowing limit, and he warned that a de
fault would be catastrophic for the economy.
“There would be a significant risk of a very deep recession,” Obama said.
“This is our word. This is our good name. This is real.”
Obama has refused to offer concessions in exchange for Republicans raising t
he borrowing limit and ending the shutdown, but his comments on Tuesday sugg
ested he would be willing to do so provided Republicans first agreed to shor
t-term extensions.
Speaking about ninety minutes after Obama’s press conference ended, Boehner
detailed a history of presidents from Ronald Reagan to Obama himself who ne
gotiated broad deficit-reduction packages.
“The long and the short of it is, there’s going to be a negotiation here,”
Boehner said. “It’s time to have that negotiation.”
Boehner’s remarks closed a long day of political posturing in which the sta
tus quo prevailed: The federal government remained shuttered for an eighth c
onsecutive day, and the nation moved a day closer to an Oct. 17 deadline set
by the Treasury Department for avoiding a first-ever default on the debt.
The House voted to reopen the Head Start program in its 10th piecemeal fundi
ng measure, a strategy that the White House and Senate Democrats have reject
And House Republicans moved forward on a separate package to pay federal emp
loyees deemed “essential” while forming a special, bicameral committee of
20 to hash out a long-term deficit-reduction plan that would include a budge
t and an increase in the debt ceiling.
The plan was announced to Republicans in passing during a closed-door confer
ence meeting Tuesday morning, and the GOP leadership brought it quickly to t
he floor for an evening vote.
“The Senate is refusing to talk and work out a solution to the imminent pro
blems that we are into,” Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky
.) said. “The purpose of the bill is to create a place, an avenue to get to
gether with the White House and the Senate.”
While Republicans said it was designed to highlight Democratic intransigence
and force them to the negotiating table, it drew unfavorable comparisons to
the failed “supercommittee” that emerged from last major debt ceiling dea
l in 2011.
The inability of that earlier panel to reach a deal set in motion the seques
tration spending cuts that both parties have criticized.
GOP leadership aides pushed back on the suggestion that the new panel would
be a rehash of the 2011 effort.
“House Republicans are proposing a working group for bipartisan discussions
about a path forward -- a negotiating team, NOT a 'supercommittee,’” one
aide wrote in an email to reporters.
The GOP plan would not include a timetable for striking an agreement, nor wo
uld it have triggered policy changes if a deal did not materialize.
The White House issued a formal veto threat for the legislation late Tuesday
While Obama signaled openness to a short-term deal to buy time for a broader
plan, he questioned the need for a new committee and the sincerity of the R
epublican offer to negotiate.
“The leaders up in Congress they can work through whatever processes they w
ant, but the bottom line is either you're having good faith negotiations in
which your having a give and take or you're not,” Obama said.
The president said that it appeared the GOP was pursuing a framework for the
panel in which Republicans would demand negotiations on areas of the budget
that concern them, while eliminating discussion of items like closing corpo
rate tax loopholes that Democrats have demanded.
“I don't know why Democrats right now would agree to a format that takes of
f the table everything they care about,” Obama said.
“They can design whatever formats they want,” Obama said. “What is not fa
ir and will not result in an actual deal is ransom taking or hostage taking.

With the debt-ceiling deadline approaching, talk about a stopgap plan increa
sed in the Capitol.
Boehner ally Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) said he hoped Obama's openness to a
short-term debt ceiling increase meant he was moving toward a debt negotiat
ion, but he noted that the openness was accompanied by a lot of heated rheto
“I hope so, but it didn't sound optimistic listening to his press conferenc
e – an hour and a half of saying 'no I'm not going to negotiate,” Simpson
said. “So we'll see. But I'm sure Republicans would go along with that.”
“The only reason to do a short term is if there is a framework laid out to
negotiate. If he is willing to do that, there could be a short-term increase
in the debt limit,” he said.
Earlier in the day, another senior Republican close to the leadership, Rep.
Tom Cole (R-Okla.), also voiced openness to a short-term measure.
“I suspect if it’s a serious negotiation, that could probably happen,” he
said. “That’s not unusual. That’s the history of these things.”
But even that kind of temporary measure would need Democratic votes, Cole ad
“I think we could support what our leadership asks us to support, and if it
’s a real negotiation, there will be votes from both sides,” he said after
the House GOP meeting.
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【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: 这个老不死得害我今天亏5万


【在 F*******e 的大作中提到】
: 割了?

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: 在雅虎上割肉?
: 还是蝈蝈上割肉?
: bac割肉?
: 今天没舍得割



【在 F*******e 的大作中提到】
: yhoo没割啊。。。

【在 D******e 的大作中提到】
: 没割,做鸵鸟了,爱咋咋地吧
: 不闹心
