公司上市不难,八步教你IPO垃圾股# Stock
1. Realize that during the marketing event of an IPO, or initial public
offering, you are making the transition from a private company to a public
one and you are promoting your company, its products and services. An IPO is
a form of public relations to make your company more visible and to attract
stock holders and potential investors. An IPO opens doors for potential
business partnerships as well as enhancing relationships with vendors and
2. Know that in addition to the positive benefits, there is also a downside
to the process of preparing your company for an IPO, or initial public
offering. Going from a privately held company to a publicly held company
entails a loss of control over financial matters relative to the management
of founders and investors.
3. Research the regulations within the region and country where your company
is located. Consider that within the United States, for example, that once
a company has made the transition to being a public company that the SEC, or
Securities and Exchange Commission, requires access to company data. This
includes products and contracts, customers, and management information.
Realize that there are also additional constraints to consider if you are a
United States business since the passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Regulations relate to requirements focusing on financial reporting and
having to submit to procedural reporting obligations.
4. Evaluate your company's financial reporting systems as you prepare your
company for an IPO, or initial public offering. Be aware that Sarbanes-Oxley
enforces additional requirements relative to disclosure controls and
procedures as they may relate to your company's public filings.
5. Determine which investment bankers you want to provide financial support
for as you prepare your company for an IPO, or initial public offering. Do
your research and select investment bankers with proven experience as they
will be provide you with an evaluation of your company in determining that
it is ready to go public.
6. Prepare your company's IPO prospectus. As an example of the process,
business owners within the United States will prepare their IPO prospectus
to be included as part of the IPO registration statement which is to be
filed with the SEC, or Securities and Exchange Commission.
Develop your IPO prospectus to highlight your company's positive attributes
and strengths, business capabilities and long-term investment potential.
Include an overview of the marketing and promotional efforts that will take
place for your company. Within the United States, the public relations
aspect of the promotion is often referred to as the "road show."
7. File your official registration statement. Within the United States,
businesses will formally file their official registration with the SEC, or
Security and Exchange Commission. Include those stock exchanges on which you
want to have your company business officially listed.
8. Realize that the timeline for the completion of having your application
reviewed and approved may take several weeks depending on the specific
guidelines as set forth within your region and country. Upon approval, your
business will now officially be a public company that offers stock to
investors and it will be listed on the stock exchange.