好了,准备出了!# Stock
I agree it is your body, your birth, your baby. I also know, as a doula that
has attended 150 or so births that you are in the safest hands with BAM for
a hospital birth.
I also know the emotional struggle as you seek support from your family.
Here is an idea. First send them links to Lin and Maria's Yelp reviews
and their website which provides information about their services and the
doctors they deliver with.
Without the doubt, Lin and Maria have some of the best 'outcomes' for
hospital births for babies and mothers in the Bay Area. Ask them their rates
for outcomes compared to OB's. If outcomes is what impresses them, then
show them the facts. For example- they have the lowest cesarean rate for
hospital based births in the Bay Area (less than 10% every year) I think its
4% this year. The average for the OB's in the area 34%-39%. Vaginal birth,
hand down, is safer than cesarean.
Another good point is that each of these ladies has delivered more than 4000
? babies each. MANY of the OB's in the area can not give the same claim. And
as someone has pointed out in a previous email, OB's do not come until the
last 30-60 minutes of pushing. In an Immediate Emergency, no matter if you
were with a Nurse/OB or a Midwife, they are going to grab the first surgeon
walking down the hall. Since only 1% of all cesareans are considered
immediate emergencies, the odds are extremely low that this would occur.
That means the other 99% of cesareans have had time to plan for, or were an
educated decision by what was seen by the events slowly building and
occurring during the birth. In other words, there was plenty of time for the
OB to called, whether the OB was the main care provider or worked in a team
with midwives.
It is sad that there is so much fear surrounding birth. I also find that
having a medical degree often means a lot of fear of all that can go wrong
in a body is prominent, rather than the amazing fact that our bodies usually
do amazing things right every day, even when we don't take perfect care of
them. The more I learn about the human body the more I am in awe of the
miracle of it all.
If after you have done these things they are still not open to listening to
you and the facts that Lin and Maria are amazing safe midwives, then you may
have to make a decision they do not like. I have found as a parent that I
have often had to make choices that were right for my family, but that my
outer family or friends did not understand or support. I do not regret ANY
of the decisions to date, with my 12 and 9 year old girls. I have regretted
often when I listened to what they said to do when my mind and heart were
screaming that this was not the right path for me and my children. Luckily
it didn't take me long to figure this out, and now I feel that I am
confident in my well thought out choices. This process is a big part of
being a parent!
Hugs to you as you make this huge important decision for yourself, baby and
future family.